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TypeItIn or similar

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-03 05:31
TypeItIn or similar

I've been using TypeItIn ( for quite some time and was wondering if there's a portable version of it or something similar that has or can receive a portable version?

Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
I think something similar

I think something similar could be created, Someone with the time could probably write an autohotkey script to do this. Idk though if anyone would want to take up something like this, but it looks really simple to do, so If I have time, cause right now I am pretty busy, I might look into making something like this. So if there is anyone out there that wants to do this then go for it, cause I wont have any free time for a while.
Edit: Also, someone could probably create a launcher for it.

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Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-03 05:31
That would be great because I

That would be great because I can save all my logins in it and then I'll be able to access any service from anywhere if I just carry that one program...

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