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How can a person check Tucan

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Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
How can a person check Tucan

Hello Group;

How can a person check to see if Tucan Version Two actually does make a mirror of all of the files from a source drive.

I would like to mirror my source which is my Archive hard drive. My destination is a Iron Key Flash drive.

I have seen some posts suggsting to check the two but have no idea how or what program to use to do this. I would like to do this about once a month. But do not want to end up with missing files on my destination drive.


Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-19 14:08
File Compare

The dos command "fc" may work for you.

fc *.* g:*.* /b

another option I like is using "QuickPar" to create a recovery par2 pair and use that to verify the other files.

1) Install Quickpar from
2) Run Quickpar, drag in the files to be tested (source files), choose "all the same size", set number of recovery files to "1", and low redundancy setting.
3) Click "create"
4) Copy/move the par2 files to destination drive or desktop if the destination is a burned cd/dvd
5) Open the par2 files (at destination or desktop) with Quickpar
6) If the par2 files are on the desktop, drag the destination files into the quickpar test screen
7) If quickpar says no recovery required then the files match

This works great for archives (especially including the quickpar exe and the par2 files with the archive).

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