OpenVPN Portable is openvpn and a system tray gui in the paf format.
Unfortunately openvpn needs an admin account.
comments and criticisms are welcome
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OpenVPN Portable is openvpn and a system tray gui in the paf format.
Unfortunately openvpn needs an admin account.
comments and criticisms are welcome
For a space saver, try UPX compressing all the .dll and .exe files in the download. I tested it and the install footprint goes down by half when using LZMA compression.
Here's the UPX options I used:
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
The installer is now fixed. The new version is found on
Lukas Landis
hi all. This program very well
Thank you. But i have a some problem.. Hımm but i must describe before. I copy the files (ca.crt etc.) to in usb drive data\config now all this ok but when i remove the usb drive the vpn connection is now connected. When I remove the USB when the connection is interrupted, I will be great
Thanks for help. Have Good Day..
Works well for me
John Berube
John Berube
Is there anything special we need to do or should we just follow the OpenVPN how-to: ?
See in the extracted directory of the new version...
I hope it helps
THanks for that great work,
my only Problem ist that this Version of OpenVPN Portable doesn´t work on Windows 2000 Clients.
The Installation of Tap-Win32 Adapter works but the Log-Info shows "All TAP-Win32 adapters on this system are currently in use"
Is there an possibility get this App working on Windows 2000?
Thanks for helping me.
I don't have any Windows 2000 Clients, so I can't test it.
But if you want, try the older version of the tap-driver (OpenVPN 2.0.9) could be found on or the zip file on
Rename the tap0801.sys to tap0901.sys, copy it to the driver directory and remove the Leave the new OemWin2k.inf (which points to 0901) in the driver directory.
Let me know if it works. If so, I will compile a Version included this driver.
I've only been using this a day, but it seems to work really well. Got OpenVPN running on a computer at home and I've had success connecting and running the client. Good job! I especially like being able to leave the TAP adapter installed after shutting down the GUI. If I know I'm going back to that computer later, it speeds things up a lot.
Ahhh, found a small bug. You need to add
to the end of your script to unload the splashscreen plugin and delete the DLL from the temp directory.
Thank you! Will be added on next version
If you check the Off Topic forum, I've also posted win32 binaries for OpenSSL 0.9.8g and OpenVPN compiled with those libraries, if you want to include them in your next version.
I am the IT Manager for one of California's largest Electrical Contractors, and I have OpenVPN deployed for my users that require remote access, and for remote administration.
This is an AWESOME package, as I have a laptop with a GPRS card for remote administration, but I do a lot of traveling, and sometimes it is just not convenient to take my laptop (some of the places I get to are pretty remote and so I tend to pack light). OpenVPN portable allows me to just take my USB drive and I can now connect to my work machine from any computer with a few short steps.
This is something that I didn't know I needed until I tried it!
VERY cool, thank you very much!
Thanks so very much for this! I often need to connect in to either my own VPN or clients' VPN's and this works great for me!
it works.
Very thanks
Any chance for this to become Vista 64bit compatible?
It supposedly is already.
According to the release notes on Sorceforge for this package, it contains OpenVPN v2.1_rc7
According to the release notes fotr OpenVPN, Vista x64 compatability was fixed in version 2.1_rc4
I assume Vista x64 computability is in RC7. If it doesn't work, contact the author directly...although the project looks to be abandoned. You could try dropping the latest code into the PortableApps directory structure and see if it just might.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
It doesnt seem to create the keys directory.
"C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa\keys" with ca.crt, client.key, client.crt.
According to the instructions, you have to first create a .ovpn file and ssl-keys to ./data/config directory.
I have placd my .ovpn files in there also with my ca.crt, client.key, client.crt. Am i doing somthing wrong?
This thread was created almost 3 years ago. For any questions I'd ask them in the OpenVPN Portable forums on SourceForge.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
OpenVPN Portable 1.6.6
in PAF format, 2010-02-09
Check out the link
Thank you Lukas Landis (gulb)!