The Off-Topic forum is now flooding with (3) half-decent ads.
So now, time for more :P.
Do you want to contribute to, but you don't like developing?
Do you want to see your work help more and more people?
Well, making an ad would be great for you!
Simply come up with an ad idea, turn that into footage, and post your results here!
Comes with several conditions:
- Ad must be under 1 minute, 15-30 seconds favored.
- Must contain original content of content with permission (i.e. Creative Commons License, asking author). NO ILLEGAL OR PIRATED CONTENT.
- Ad must contain pictures or video. No text only ads.
- No inappropriate content.
- It is suggested (but not required) that you put your ad on a streaming location like YouTube.
- If you want, you may also (or instead) post a banner, in the typical banner sizes.
- You have to like your video.
- It is suggested that you edit your video with software such as Windows Movie Maker (or give me your Adobe Premiere :P)
Description Template:
- Name: Name
- Description: A description of what happens, maybe even the script.
- Category: Either acting, action, slideshow, picture, banner, or other
- Link
- Notes: Any notes
<ul> <li><strong>Name:</strong> <li><strong>Description/:</strong> <li><strong>Category:</strong> <li><strong><a href="Link">Link</a></strong> <li><strong>Notes:</strong> </ul>
Ad resources include footage, slideshows, and music (actually just Prophecy)
That downloads page is a homebrew PHP script :D.
The Archetype Crew has plans for new video advertisings and banners for As expected, the videos and banners will (possibly) be inside the conditions of this therm.
Atenciously, the Archetype Crew founders:
Engineer (aka: PTMblogger)
Architect (aka: Sergentsiler)
Blue is everything.
I thought SergentSiler was the Archetect
Oh you mislinked it.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Thanks for the info
The Archetype Crew has plans for new video advertisings and banners for As expected, the videos and banners will (possibly) be inside the conditions of this therm.
The Archetype Crew founders:
Engineer and Archetect
(aka: PTMblogger and Sergentsiler)
Blue is everything.
I'll make one soon and post it here.
But, do you still want that video of me plugging in my flash drive?
What, I can't participate in my own ad campaign???
(Oh I think I'll upload all of them so other people can use them too.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I'm going to make one :3
sounds fun
The Archetype Crew just published its new ad for It is available here.
Have in mind that the credits are not part of the advert, so it has exactly 40.16 seconds, being inside the limits.
The Archetype Crew CEOs
Engineer and Archetect
(PTMblogger and sergentsiler)
Blue is everything.
Nice Ad. I'm still doing mine
is complete!
(Homebrew PHP script supporting the download page)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Every links except the slideshow app are going to a 404 error. Are the things well linked?
EDIT: By the way, want me to add a shadow to the logo that looks like the one on the real one?
And some slides on the slideshow (2nd slide) are not working properly.
EDIT2: I have a PHP book, why am I not reading it? (opens a huge book and starts studying it)
Blue is everything.
I see my mistake: I forgot to put in the folder :P.
Fix it ASAP\
Edit: Fixed.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
one mistake: Its "Thousands of people rely on PortableApps every day!"
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I get a warning of "This video is unavailable", either on the YouTube page, or in the hack to bypass restrictions (search Livehacker to know it).
EDIT: Now it is available.
Blue is everything.
I even now added a couple annotations.
Wow I wish I posted on Youtube more :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
You have a youtube account?
I thought they had an age restriction?
I can just imagine everyone that's posting just moving around frantically creating ad's and in my mind it looks like fun... Too bad I have no idea what's going on so I'll post just for the sake of posting...
"Huh, Oh, Yeah, Go Hurrah Hurrah Go Crush Dance..." anyway...
Back to school for me, PEACE OUT DUDES Till later...
"Are you threatening a government official!?"
"WE! print the money"
"WE! tell you how to spend it"
"We BREED! the super soilders"
"Um...Forget that last part about the super soilders"
I'll delete my account and use google video.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Did you just admit you created an illegal youtube account?
How do we know he is under aged? You can't! He is as likely to be 10/11/12/whatever as it is likely that he is lying and he is 44 or whatever
So we can't force him to not to use Youtube. Because technically every american/european/other countries guys under 18 are not allowed to use Google search
But I am sure everybody uses
Blue is everything.
"not use google"?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Google license of use forbids the usage of their services by anybody that has not age enough to make a legal contract. So any person that is a minor can't technically use Google, at least until that person makes 18 on Europe/USA or whatever legal age is that anywhere on the world.
Of course everybody ignores that.
Blue is everything.
I signed several legal contracts at school ;).
Oh and the school policy is the school Pc's background. But since the resolution sucks so nobody ever pays attention (like when one of my classmates said that I should ignore the policy where nobody's allowed to install software :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Well sorry.
What are you asking sorry for? I was kidding. I though all the smileys made myself clear.
And don't even think of being sorry for my response!!!
Blue is everything.
Like the music
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Under Other in the resources page.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
playing during the ad.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate