I would like Explorer++ to become a portable app.
I think this would become a great addition to the Portable Apps Programs.
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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I would like Explorer++ to become a portable app.
I think this would become a great addition to the Portable Apps Programs.
I for one would appreciate some more information. There are a large number of file managers floating around, including several good free portable ones like Q-Dir, xplorer2lite, and this site's own Xenon (which is Open Source). So, what makes Explorer++ different from this other apps? Please help us by giving us an idea why effort should be devoted to a launcher for this non-Open Source application.
I don't like all the other file managers because they either aren't user-friendly enough or their too slow or just don't have all the functionality that is needed.
how many did u try?
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Did you have a look at this:
http://www.freecommander.com/fc_u3_en.htm ?
Just wondering... what is the use of an alternative 'explorer' (ie folder browser).
You could use explorer on any windows, am i missing something?
Whenever you move out of menu start, it can save you a lot of time. Really a lot.
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
I use several of these file managers on different machines.
- xplorer2lite provides the dual window metaphor with the added benefit of (configurable) fast auto-sorting the files, even after a file copy/move.
- Q-Dir runs nicely on a Vista work machine without admin privileges and gives me multiple file management windows (some repetitive 'are you sure?' prompts with xplorer2lite in Vista).
I have played with FreeCommander, NexusFile, Norton Commander, and a number of others. Some performed well and had abilities I don't need, but others may like or want.
In general, I detest the way Windows (by default) hides basic info like filename extensions and hidden files. By using a USB-based file manager, I can continue to use MY configurations on my preferred tool without regard to the way the machine has been locked down by administrators with different ideas.
I hope that helps you understand some of the varied reasons to use a file manager instead of explorer.
I've been using PowerDesk free version for years.
Open-souce? No.
pa.com-able? No (see above RE: Open source).
Portable? Sorta (runs portably, but isn't stealthy AFAIK)
Free? Yes.
Capable? Oh yeah....
Moreso than ANY other File Mgr. I've ever tried, and I've tried all the ones commonly mentioned in these here parts. incl. some that you mention.
PD runs rings around just about anything out there.
Did I mention it's free?...
"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
I have permission from the author to do it, i am currently working on as I find time
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Lol. Great job Mike.
Na na na, come on!
yea and it's a good candidate because it's only 1 reg key in software,
the author says he wants to change that to an INI file instead of the reg key, so i might wait til he does that to make it portable but it's in the works
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He finished making it portable himself.
All you have to do it check "Save preferences to xml file." in Tools > Options.
Then I'll package it as a portableapps soon, I was waiting for that to happen instead of messing with reg files. I do have permission to package it and distribute it as a portable.
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