Hello! I know this is probally really simple, but i can't figure it out
I have a game which doesn't require installation, and im trying to play it from a USB stick, Simple right?
But the problem I am having is, I don't have administrator privilegs, and MSINET.OCX is not in System32 and it requires it, I want it to run from my USB stick system32 instead of the computers...Make sence?
As far as I know you cant.
Windows doesn't accept a system32 folder on your USB drive so if you don't have Admin privileges, there is nothing you could do.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
You can always try copying the msinet.ocx to the folder where the folder where the application are, it works sometimes.
OCX is an ActiveX control, which needs to be registered in the registry before anything can use it. So it's not portable.