An error was encountered reading your buddy list. They have not been loaded, and the old file has been renamed to F:\PortableApps\PidginPortable\Data\settings\.purple\blist.xml~.
The program won't load up my saved aliases and saved categories for my buddies.
Why is this happening?
How can I fix this?
[removed accidental double post - moderator PP]
Have you tried renaming F:\PortableApps\PidginPortable\Data\settings\.purple\blist.xml~ to blist.xml? But keep a copy of blist.xml~ just incase errors do continue.
I've tried that, and it still won't read it properly.
This is usually due to actual corruption in the blist.xml file. You will have to start from scratch unfortunately. This can happen with flash drives that are low quality, or if things aren't shut down properly.
Do you mean I have to clear out the whole buddy list and manually enter in each name all over from?
You just have to let pidgin reload the buddy list and then modify it back to your liking.