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The future of portable management of applications?

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nitrolinken's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-25 09:15
The future of portable management of applications?

OK. First of all I'm one of those who joined here, used the applications heavily, wanted to contribute then out of a sudden stopped visiting. I see the site is still going strong - but what's new? What's actually happening here? No, I don't mean as in "we're intending to get freeware applications too". I mean, where are we going with the portable applications? Are there any plans for any better management of the applications (locally)?

That's when I came up with an idea. Then I noticed some brights folks had already started with some drafting regarding that idea. (

However, it seems like it died off. It has been over one year since anyone thought about it. Generally what I want to do is to spiff this up.
Why spiff this up, you might think. Well, not that the NSIS installers don't work, not that they aren't good enough - but are they really the future? What about a system where your stick is really your digital life with you. It can be more than just some NSIS launchers - it can be an easy way to have an entire system or catalog of software with you. Regardless of OSI approved licenses. Pre and post scripts to do the job. A system that requires almost no work when done right.

Idea: (as seen in the link) Making a package manager. It doesn't have to be complex, big, feature rich but to the point. It does what it needs to do. We don't need PortableApps version of Steam (although that's not a bad way).

How can this be easily done?: Some of you might say that this is out of proportions. That it's of such a big magnitude that it's something we shouldn't do. It might not bring anything new. I disagree. Why? There's actually a lot of proofs of concepts out there. It is doable.

Various ideas and concepts of Windows Package Managers (WPMs):

These are links to various sites related to projects that are/have been in development.

You might also want to take look at if you want to get a little insight in how one person has thought about it. Some information can also be found at

As you can see, there are already working proofs of concepts out there. There aren't really many differences between these implementations and something that we could work out. For instance, there's the traditional LFS hierarchy.
There's shared files (between applications), the applications and then there's the configuration files. Imagine a PortableApps system that's easy to use and efficient. (No, I do not mean an operating system of our own.)

There's PAF. integrated and efficient? I know I'd sure want to. Do you?

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
Unfortunetly We already have

Unfortunetly We already have something in Beta Testing that does that already

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
About the (current) PortableAppUpdater

I really would love to see the Updater to be put on official duty. I mean if it works, it works, and else it doesn't. One could argue to keep it unused for another month, a year or forever. This application is cool and it should be used (and the ini file kept updated with the latest releases) before the developer would loose interest in it and abandon it because it went nowhere.

And there are plans to completely recreate an updater using Delphi without the original version ever hit the mainstream.

(Hit to updater dev: have the ini file on 2 locations, on here and one elsewhere. Let the ini file have an ini version and let the updater pick the ini with the most recent version number. This way you can continue updating the testing ini untill the official ini is updated so possible testers would be able to test using actual application data in the ini)

My humble opinion is, while there might be a new and improved version in the making it might be possible to get this project going by having people use it as it exists now. Then when eventually a new version is ready it can replace the current updater.

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27
Which reminds me.

We (Marko and I) are working on a new-type INI format which should make it somewhat easier to autogenerate (!) it.

Which also reminds me, I should really start hacking away at the actual updater :/
(Which then goes on to remind me about assignments...)

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Mr Magical
Mr Magical's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-02-15 19:18
I'd love to see some kind of

I'd love to see some kind of management app which was able to both install, update, remove and clean up applications. A simple button in the menu which brings up a nice little wizard:

[] Update excisting applications
[] Download and install a new application
[] Remove an installed application
[] Clean up (Reset settings, remove source code etc.)

Advanced Next

I'm actually working on some code which might be useful.

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LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
I personally was hoping there

I personally was hoping there would be something like Add/Remove apps and Update existing apps. This would mean that the updater would only show existing apps to update and a seperate add apps to show a list of additional apps to installe and remove to remove existing applications (with option to keep personal data of course).

Clean up I would like myself to remove 'unused files' by regular users. Although small, space is wasted in unused files for regular users that have no interest to recompile the launcher/installers.

[] Update existing applications
[] Download and install new applications
[] Remove an installed application (option to keep user data)
[] Clean up (Remove source code, unused images etc.)
[] Enable/Disable Splash Screen(s)
[] Reset user data (delete user data)

Also an option "Check for updates every XX days"

I hope NSIS or another free solution can and will be used for this to allow anyone to improve upon the work.

Mr Magical
Mr Magical's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-02-15 19:18
I have built a simple app

I have built a simple app which does most of the things you mentioned in delphi.
It's currently using the same list as the first PA updater.
I'm currently trying to add all these functions to the current version of the PA menu.
Another thing is that I'm adding a progress bar over the title of the app while it downloads and installs the new version and disabling the menu item until it's done.
I'm also working on a way to set all the default installer options inside the menu and then let the menu choose these for you while keeping the window hidden.

Most options will be available both for each individual app and can also be applied to all apps trough the options menu.
I'll probably post a test release within a few weeks.

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