First, I have no local Thunderbird installation. Second, after using Thunderbird Portable the empty folder $APPDATA\Thunderbird\Profiles\
is left behind.
The code is at the moment:
TheRealEnd: ${registry::Unload} newadvsplash::stop /WAIT RMDir "$APPDATA\Mozilla\" ;=== Will only delete if empty (no /r switch) RMDir "$APPDATA\Thunderbird\" ;=== Will only delete if empty (no /r switch)
The Folder $APPDATA\Thunderbird\
will never be empty, so the last line is useless.
A solution could be:
TheRealEnd: ${registry::Unload} newadvsplash::stop /WAIT RMDir "$APPDATA\Mozilla\" ;=== Will only delete if empty (no /r switch) RMDir "$APPDATA\Thunderbird\Profiles\" ;=== Will only delete if empty (no /r switch) RMDir "$APPDATA\Thunderbird\" ;=== Will only delete if empty (no /r switch)
If an user has a local installation, the Profiles folder won't be empty and the folders will be preserved. Otherwise the folders will be removed.
have the /Thunderbird/Profiles folder.
Do you have any extensions that might create it?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
my only addon/extension is lightning.
I'll check this without lightning tonight.
Hmmm, I made a fresh install on my hdd (Thunderbird Portable
1. Test: Started -> Changed some settings (like check for updates) -> Closed -> nothing is left behind
2. Test: Started -> Changed some random other settings -> Closed -> nothing is left behind
Seems ok, so I installed lightning (0.9).
3. Test: Started -> Changed some random other settings -> Closed -> nothing is left behind
4. Test: Started -> Changed some random other settings -> Closed -> mentioned folder is left behind
Aha, more testing needed with fresh install and with lightning installed.
My results (all tests without my profile):
Thunderbird only:
Thunderbird with lightning: same result as thunderbird only
So for me it doesn't matter if lightning is installed or not. After a certain number of tests the folder is left behind.
But I can't reproduce the real reason.
Hi, I'm not too sure it is about the same bug (?), but I've noticed that whenever the core application thunderbird.exe contained in the "App" folder is opened - a "Thunderbird" folder is written/re-created in my "Local Settings > Application Data" directory, with "Profiles" in it.
The same applies to Firefox. That's how I found it about. It writes/re-creates "Mozilla" folder in that case.
This happens on my XP Home, SP2 system, with the portable apps installed on the local HDD, however.
I have no non-portable versions installed at present.
Hope this might help.
Why are you running thunderbird.exe?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Would he be using Thunderbird for checking/sending emails etc ?????
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
He made it sound like he's running thunderbird.exe directly in his post. Don't be a wise ass
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hi again, No, I don't run that directly. But it can happen to anyone digging in the application and testing it.
Though, another instance when this happens (sometimes), in my case, must be due to file associations I've made (or attempted to) on my Windows system. Apparently.
DOH was I stating the obvious Again. Though that is the answer to what you where asking. it was not my place to say anything as you where not asking me now where you.
SORRY i jumped the gun.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I never opened thunderbird.exe. I always launch ThunderbirdProtable.exe.
I made the fresh install on my hdd for testing purpose. Otherwise I use my normal Thunderbird Portable on my USB-Stick.
From time to time I check my $APPDATA folder for leftbehinds. And I found $APPDATA\Thunderbird\Profiles\ quite often.
Just want to confirm that I see this behavior too, on Windows XP sp3 and Thunderbird Portable, with Lightening being the only extension installed. No locally installed version of Thunderbird exists, or has ever existed.
I closed Thunderbird Portable, removed the %APPDATA%\Thunderbird directory, and restarted Thunderbird Portable, and logged into an IMAP account. After this the directory %APPDATA%\Thunderbird had been recreated (w/o the Profiles directory though - although it was present initially i.e. before I removed the %APPDATA%\Thunderbird directory - so it seems like the Profile sub-directory might be created at some later execution stage [or by Lightening?]).
Only extensions are Lightning and the English (Australian) dictionary. Advocate
Forgot to mention that I also have the Swedish dictionary extension installed, besides Lightening.
What is the likelihood that this is the cause - Dictionary installation? And if so is it likely to be taken into consideration on the next release? Advocate