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"My PortableApps" site enhancement

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Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-16 11:54
"My PortableApps" site enhancement

Is there the potential to introduce a new feature to the site, which would enable a site user to see at a glance a selectable list of all the PortableApps they have downloaded (and are presumably using) alongside that portableapp's most recent version number.

Something similar to the current "What's New" section on the homepage, but coded to display and update on either the homepage only (as "What's New" currently does) or for any site/forum page visited.

Maybe along the lines of a "My PortableApps"-titled section, enabling the easy tracking of the user's PortableApps by said user, with the potential to assist in seeing (by icon, or highlighting) if any of those apps needed updating to their latest version.

I'm entirely in favour of retaining the current "What's New" section, as it allows you to discover new and interesting apps you may either have missed - or forgotten to add to your "My PortableApps" listing. I know I have found several new apps for the first time from seeing them appear on that homepage section, and I am loathe for it to disappear.

An ancillary idea (also a user-configurable option), if possible, would update your "My PortableApps" with the latest PortableApp version when you click the link to Sourceforge to download the app installer (presumably, you would require to be a registered user on the PortableApps for this to be successful).

This would allow for users who may download the same software from variant locations, to opt for the feature to not be active (some may download the software to test it out, but be unable to transfer the software to their regular store from that location, and so require to discard the download once investigated - yet still require, for whatever reason, to be able to sign into their account).

EspaÑaks (not verified)
yay, but i understand with

yay, but i understand with that title that you wanna have a customized homepage...but for updating the apps, except in some cases, you could use PortableApps.Com Updater. Its only 1,4 MB & works quite well.

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
There are still a number of

There are still a number of apps that aren't on the updater list (or haven't been). It would be great if the update control file creation was automated and included all the released apps (at the very least) and preferably apps that are close to release as well.


Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-16 11:54
EspaÑaks: Seems like this was

EspaÑaks: Seems like this was indeed what I was aiming for. If this works as expected, when the next release of any of my portableapps have an update available, I'll be happy.

rab040ma: Do you know if the update control file you refer to available for download, so I can see what format it follows?

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