Application: xVST
Category:Music & Video
Description: Downloads videos from your favorite video sharing websites, like YouTube. Use only for good, my friends. . .
Please note that the new installer installs to xVST Portable. Go ahead and delete the xVideoServiceThief Folder. If you install to that folder, the installer will delete the old executable for you. Automatic updates are disabled now.
Download xVST Portable Development Test 2 [5.25 MB download / 7.02 MB installed]
(MD5: c8f22162a3ec86c0a3d1914b62f848ac)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (29SPE08): Initial release
Development Test 2:I've taken the liberty of renaming it to xVST Portable
18DEC09 Please Do not manually update to the latest version of xVST. It does not utilize the settings managed by the launcher, but insteads creates info in %APPDATA%.
Finally got around to this one, eh? it was mentioned on IRC a couple of times
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Yeah, I finally got around to it.
Nah, I mentioned it to John, but he didn't seem to happy about the idea. It may get changed to xVST in the future, but, until then, we'll stick with the obscenely long full name
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Could be useful, but I already have DownloadHelper on Mozilla Firefox.
Yeah, aren't there a few Firefox extensions that do this already? A browser extension is better than a standalone app for something like this, IMO...
I'm lazy, so I use the Firefox on the college computers. But, I do use xVST.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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DownloadHelper has a conversion utility too..
So far it works well with Vista Ultimate SP1, and leaves nothing obvious behind.
Am downloading and will try soon. however would suggest to go ahead with the name change. Advocate
yeah I can see this program being very useful, and who wants to download another firefox extension that may not work with future Firefox versions? I don't install ANY firefox extensions that aren't already included with Firefox, for that very reason.
I only wish there was an easy way to remove the "YouTube" logo from videos without having to edit the videos entirely. I can see this being used only for good, because I have some YouTube videos about what life is like being blind, that would be a great help to put on my website, which you can't do easily without uploading the videos to your webserver directly, so I can see this being extremely useful to me for that reason.
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
Seems to work well...nothing obvious left behind, one suggestion though, disable the update checker and auto-update installer by default.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I thought it was
I'll do a update in a little bit, maybe this week end (I has a computer back!) so I'll get a new version running and go ahead with the name change to xVST
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[wrapped 'er - moderator PP] Advocate
Looks like a clean log to me. Nothin we can do about prefetch or MUICache
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Is there a reason these keys can't just be deleted? Will it mess something up with Windows?
Too much to handle I think...
the mru and muicache stuff really doesnt mean anything, absolutely everything that runs on the system will have an entry in one or both of those.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I think their names cant be generalised so the launcher would have to search for them which is difficult to code I think.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Houseofoz, I'm glad that you are posting the regshots for us.
However, would you please being placing the results inside of the following HTML tags?
It will help keep the page down to a minimal size. Thnaks
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Will try to remember that Advocate
Thanks man. I do apperciate you posting the regshots, though.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Development Test 2
Changed name to xVST all around.
Disabled automatic updates by default- I though I did that, those things annoyed me right off.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Note: Need to update thread name
EDIT: Link is down : ( Advocate
not any more
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Can't seem to get the program to auomatically convert to ipod video format. I believe I have all the correct settings selected, but I keep getting .flv.
Base program issues. Depends on where your downloading from, I've heard that that matters.
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Hi Oliver
I was looking for this following up on a user query and noticed it's not on the test releases page. Are you still maintaining or dropping this? Advocate
Yeah, I'm still maintaining it. Why?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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..I wanted to be sure you were still developing it before referring an enquirer to it. That and because I couldn't find it on the test releases page. Is it there? Advocate
nope, never bothered to put it up.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Would probably increase your uer/test base if you did
EDIT: Ok I did it = D Advocate
Could this be updated to the 2.1 version, I tried myself but i had problems.
May the Shwartz be with you
I'll look into it in a few weeks when college starts and I'll have access three days a weeks for about 12 hours each, instead of my current once a week (cross your fingers) for an hour or two.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Version 2.1 is the first non-alpha release (alpha/beta apps wouldn't be able to go official probably), and they're actually up to 2.2 now, which has support for RTMP (Adobe Flash) streamed videos. This is an awesome app, and I actually discovered it thanks to this thread. I'm going to install it locally for now, but hopefully it's not too much work to get it updated. Thanks for the great work 
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
to the latest version!!
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
can't. Right now its storing everything in appdata and I don't have time to work on it.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It seems that link to download this app is broken...
indeed. That hosting provider shut down. I'm no longer updating or providing a package of this application.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Incase anyone else stumbles apon this thread looking for a portable application.
This project looks to be renewed
Is anyone interested in updating app?
DamnVid does not work very well, lots of bugs which need the app to restart for it to work.
Latest version - xVideoServiceThief 2.5
Can be found:
[ xVideoServiceThief Binaries ]
Indeed a good app. Maybe that I decide to develop this app further. But in the moment you can use an other portable version, which will be developed permanently further. You can also integrate this portable version in your menu. Here is the download link: X-xVideoServiceThief 2.5 [rev12]
The stand alone app works great, but how do I integrate it into the PA menu?
Just copy the folder X-xVideoServiceThief_2.5_rev12 into your portableapps folder which usually is X:/PortableApps. You can have other portable apps show up in the platform the same way as outlined on the platform support page.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate