New thread could be found here.
Here it is and therefore a little Contest:
If YOU are the first one who finds 3 bugs and reports them, you will win 3 free downloads at So hurry, don't waste time
The judges' decision is final.
Application: Freemat
Category: Education (& Science)
Description: FreeMat Portable is a free portable environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source. FreeMat provides visualization, image manipulation, and plotting as well as parallel programming. (from the website)
Features: (from the FreeMat FAQ)
- N-dimensional array manipulation (by default, N is limited to 6)
- Support for 8,16, 32, and 64 bit integer types (signed and unsigned), 32 and 64 bit floating point types, and 64 and 128 bit complex types.
- Built in arithmetic for manipulation of all supported data types.
- Support for solving linear systems of equations via the divide operators.
- Eigenvalue and singular value decompositions
- Full control structure support (including, for, while, break, continue, etc.)
- 2D plotting and image display
- Heterogeneous array types (called “cell arrays” in MATLAB-speak) fully supported
- Full support for dynamic structure arrays
- Arbitrary-size FFT support
- Pass-by-reference support (an IDL feature)
- Keyword support (an IDL feature)
- Codeless interface to external C/C++/FORTRAN code
- Native sparse matrix support
- Function pointers (eval and feval are fully supported)
- Classes, operator overloading
- 3D Plotting and visualization via OpenGL
- Handle-based graphics
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: English
Download FreeMat Portable 3.6 Development Test 5 [8MB download / 20.7MB installed]
(MD5: f5950fbfa0ce6b3d769b156655ee4754)
Additional Links:
- FreeMat 3.6 Documentation Release Date: 2008-11-16
- FreeMat Primer Release Date: 2009-01-22
Known Issues:
- If you use ConvertAll Portable and/or MuseScore Portable and FreeMat Portable at the same time and don't close them in reversed order, registry keys will be left behind and/or the original (local) keys will be overwritten.
Release Notes:
Development Test 5 (2008-11-09):
- Added INI-Option: AllowMultipleInstances
- Improved the launcher, FreeMatPortable.ini and Readme.txt
Development Test 4 (2008-11-02):
- Removed "Paths in History"-Adjustment (messed history in some cases)
- Improved the launcher
Development Test 3 (2008-10-26):
- Added "Paths in History"-Adjustment
- Improved the launcher
- Improved help.html
Development Test 2 (2008-10-12):
- Compressed the EXE-file with the App Compactor (saved ~6MB)
- Deleted QtSvg4..dll
- Fixed "No local install" bugs
- Improved the launcher
Development Test 1 (2008-10-07): Initial release
- Didn't compress the files with the App Compactor (this would save ~16MB)
- Removed the PDF-Manual, because it was corrupted (.html and .txt help are still included)
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to OliverK for his guerilla field guide
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
FreeMat has now been released (Note: This is Bart.S' post, I just uploaded the file :P)
Get it while it's hot!
Patrick, you want to win the contest, without giving other people a chance?
Or was my email recognized as spam? Billions of people wait for the next release!
Btw.: I just googled "FreeMat Portable" and this page is the first hit
One point for me
If you haven't a local Freemat install, the reg keys won't be saved to \Data\settings\FreeMatPortable.reg .
Fix: Move line 256 in FreematPortable.nsi above line 253 and recompile the launcher.
I'm so sorry, but I'll upload a new Dev Test next week. Maybe you can answer even though a few of my questions in the main post. Then I could compress the package.
I found this bug now, because I had a local install till today.
deleted, because it's no longer current
deleted, because it's no longer current
Hi I work in a museum and integrated in our setup is a science centre where as you can guess theres scientists doing research. I know I've heard grumbles about how they need better software for analysing their data. I think thats what this app doe (Please correct if wrong). Once this app is further along I'll introduce it to them which should give you a pretty good testing base. Hope this helps. Advocate
Oh, and I think many people can use FreeMat. Even students can use it for example in vector analysis, algebra of matrices ...
You can use it as a simple calculator too, but Speedcrunch Portable is easier to use for simple tasks.
Thanks Patrick!
Please test! See main post for details.
You want to learn more about Freemat? I found a tutorial: "The FreeMat Primer". You could get it from the
FreeMat Sourceforge Project Page
Hi Bart
This app seems like it has a very specific target group. Can I suggest maybe posting about it on forums popular with uni students or that who are likely to be studying subjects that make this app handy for them. Advocate
Well, but most of them don't know the PAF-Stuff and whether registry keys or folders are left behind.
This things could only be checked by the Community (or Beta Testing Team), in my opinion.
I'll try to find more testers though.
has been released!
In case FreeMat Portable would become a Pre-Release, here are links for the splash designers:
Icon (128x128 pixels), Logo (375x111 pixels)
Well, I'm aware of the fact that FreeMat is a "Low-Priority Application". I just don't want to forget where I've found the graphics.
The icon looks good though dont now how well the app works as I dont know how to use it. Will post a regshot soon. Advocate
hmmm, the easiest way to learn is reading the Tutorial mentioned above.
Anyway, you could test easy calculations, like:
If you click "Workspace", you'll see all used variables (e.g. a,b).
Below is an example for a tubeplot (from the manual). Just copy and paste it to the commandline.
Thanks for your testing! Advocate
What OS are you using?
The Photoshop entry is not do with Freemat. Thats as I had a version of it running before Freemat I think. Advocate
looks clean to me
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
has been released
Thanks Patrick, that was really fast!
I was using a >60MB home made GNU Octave portable.
I am now using Freemat (which I had never tried before).
No problem until now.
what OS are you using?
Oh, and welcome at
I maily use XP SP3 but I have done some very light use in SP2 and Vista SP1.
No problem at the moment
Hi Bart S.
Just dropping by to see how things are going. What sort of downloads have you been getting? When this reaches pre-release I'll take it over to the science centre and see how it is received : ) Advocate
things are going well
I can't say the number of downloads (it's Patrick's server). And as mentioned above, I think FreeMat isn't very popular (here at and therefore a "Low-Priority Application".
So I guess the Pre-Release won't be released soon, even if I think it's ready. It's up to John and his release team.
Can you tell me some specific functions/uses for FreeMat Portable? Now that I work at UniSA should be easier to introduce your software to students within the relevant disciplines. Previously I found the scientists at the museum where I was working to be reluctant to try the new software. However students being generally younger I would think they would be more open to trying out new things. Additionally, students generally being low income earners one can see them being more receptive to the idea of FOSS Advocate
Look up tutorials for Matlab, it uses generally the same language as far as I know.
However a simple bulleted list of what FreeMat Portable can do would be much more helpful. That way I can present it in a manner self explanatory as I wont be able to answer any questions other than about portability and OSS.
Thanks Advocate
There's a decent list on this page:
Thanks Advocate
Hi horusofoz, I've added the features list to the main post. And I've added a link to the FreeMat Primer. Hope that helps!
Has anyone tested the Beta of FreeMat 4 yet? Is it worth testing (or maybe packaging as a portable app)? Or has it some known (showstopper) bugs?
It is usable enough for you to start checking how it can be packaged as portable. But I have had problems that I can't always repeat with plotting therefore I would not release a portable version here yet.
took a quick look. No big changes on how it can be packaged as portable. Well, some of the regkeys changed and the directory structure is a little different.
No big deal, but it's really a beta (tests fail), so I won't release a portable version.
I'm waiting for the final 4.0 release
Looking forward to a portable version
Me too
Nevermind, just checked the Sourceforge page.
Website hasn't been updated yet, but FreeMat 4 has been announced here.
I have Windows 7 OS on my new laptop but whenever I try to start up FreeMat portable I get the splash screen but the application window never comes up. Is it supposed to take a long time to start up or is there something wrong?
I have a 1.50 GHz AMD E-240 processor and 3 gigs of RAM which should be plenty of processor speed and RAM although if it's anything like MATLAB it is likely very resource intensive...I used MATLAB once in a numerical analysis class
FreeMat Portable is also in the list of running processes but again I have no application window
"Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn"
- the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
What version are you running?
What's your installation path?
For me FreeMat Portable starts up in less than 10 seconds.
installation path - G:\FreeMatPortable like usual for portable apps (G is the drive letter for my pendrive which is a Kingston DT 101 G2 with a 16 GB capacity)
as for version....since I cannot get the application window to come up I can't determine which product version I'm using but according to the "Details" tab on the "right-click--->properties" menu for the main "FreeMatPortable.exe" file it says the file version (which is the same as the product version in that menu) is
creation/modification date for the FreeMatPortable.exe file was 10/15/2010. If the version of the program on this website is newer than the one I have I'll give it a try
edit: copied newer version to pendrive and it seems to be working alright....though to test a simple 2-D plot of the y = cos(x) function between 0 and 2*pi I got a pretty rough lookin' plot that had lines instead of curves between each point of inflection in that range.....certainly makes it easier to find points of inflection but the trig functions are supposed to look curvy so my guess is that there's a special plot function to get curvy plots
edit 2: tried the same thing (the plot() command) with the tangent function with the same range of values for x and got an even stranger looking plot that resembled something more along the lines of a lopsided sine wave than a true tangent plot
"Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn"
- the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
If you're using the Platform you could hover over FreeMat Portable and it'll show the version. Without the platform you could look at FreeMatPortable\App\Appinfo\AppInfo.ini.
As for your points about the plots: Please report these to the FreeMat developers or ask on the FreeMat mailing lists. I'm not developing FreeMat, I'm just making it portable.
well it was more to see if anyone else had a similar issue or if it's just me for the plot command
"Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn"
- the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
But not many users read posts inside an outdated beta testing thread (4.0 rev 4000 is the latest version ). It's better to use the FreeMat mailing lists or the Other apps support forum.