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Die meisten der allgmeinen Probleme, die bei der Nutzung der Plattform und der Suite auftreten könnten werden hier behandelt. Bitte lesen Sie sich die verschiedenen Punkte genau durch um festzustellen, ob Ihre Frage hier bereits beantwortet werden kann. Sie können außerdem eine Frage zu einer der in in der Suite enthalten Anwendungen in einem der entsprechenden Foren stellen.

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Installation der Plattform oder Suite

Zur Installation der Plattform oderr Suite laden Sie sich einfach den Installer der gewünschten version herunter und führen ihn aus. Am besten installieren Sie direkt in das Hauptverzeichnis Ihres Wechseldatenträgers (X:\ wenn X der Laufwerksbuchstabe ist). Das wird ca. zwischen 1 bis zu 20 Minuten dauern, abhängig von der Edition, die Sie gewählt haben (Platform Only, Light oder Standard) und der geschwindigkeit Ihres Laufwerks.

Nutzung der Plattform

Zum Start der Plattform klicken Sie ienfach doppelt auf StartPortableApps.exe im Hauptverzeichnis Ihres Wechseldatenträgers. In vielen Fällen wird Windows Sie fragen, ob Sie starten möchten, wenn Sie Ihren Wechseldatenträger anschließen. Benutzen Sie dann das intuitive Menü um Ihre Anwendungen zu starten, Ihr Laufwerk oder das Internet zu durchsuchen und mehr.

Zur Nutzung jeder portable Software hier ein paar Tipps:

  • Gehen Sie auf Nummer sicher - Wenn Sie eine Portable App nutzen, ist es immer eine gute Idee "Sicher portable arbeiten" (safe portable app-ing) zu nutzen.
  • Entfernen Ihres Wechseldatenträgers - Wenn Sie fertig sind und Ihre Arbeit beenden wollen, schliessen Sie alle Ihre Portable Apps un warten Sie bis die bei Ihrem Wechseldatenträger ggf. vorhandene Aktivitätsanzeige aufhört zu blinken. Klicken Sie dann bitte auf den Auswurfknopf im Menü. Wenn Sie Ihr Laufwerk entfernen, wärend es noch im Zugriff ist, können Sie die darauf laufenden Anwendungen beschädigen und ggf. sogar Daten verlieren.

Adding Format Apps to the Menu

The Menu can automatically add apps in Format. Just download the the Installer (ending in .paf.exe) for the app you'd like to add (like FileZilla Portable, for instance). Then, in Menu, click Options - Add a New App - Install and then select the FileZilla Portable .paf.exe file you just downloaded. The Menu will automatically install it to the proper location for you.

You can also run the installers directly. As long as you have your portable apps installed to the standard location, they will automatically find your drive, install and tell the menu to refresh.

Adding Other Apps to the Menu

The Menu will also work with other standalone and portable apps. You just need to place them in a directory "next to" the PortableAppsMenu directory. So, in a standard layout, you'd create a directory within the X:\PortableApps directory and place it within there. For example, if you have a portable program MyApp.exe, you could create a folder called X:\PortableApps\MyApp\ and place MyApp.exe and all its files within there. Then, just click Options - Refresh App Icons within the Menu and your new app will show up.

Removing Apps from the Menu

To uninstall a portable app, just right-click and select Uninstall. The Platform will ask if you're sure, then it will take a few moments to delete all the files.

You can also just delete the app itself in Explorer. From the Menu, just click the Explore button and browse to the PortableApps directory. There you will see a list of the directories containing the installed apps. To uninstall Mines-Perfect Portable, for instance, you'd just delete the Mines-PerfectPortable directory from your device. You can then click Options - Refresh App Icons within Menu and the it will detect that you uninstalled the app.

Renaming Icons in the Menu

To rename an app icon, just right-click on it. A rename window will appear and you can enter the name you'd like and click OK. The originally name is shown above for your reference. If you'd like to reset the icon to the original name, just clear the text from the rename box. Any changes you make are instantly shown on the Menu.

Hiding Icons in the Menu

To hide an app icon, right-click on it and select hide. To unhide an icon you have hidden, right-click on any icon and check off show hidden icons. The menu will refresh and show all icons, including the ones you have hidden. The ones you have hidden will have a line through them. Right-click and uncheck Hide. Then right-click and uncheck Show Hidden Icons.

Running an App As Admin

You can run a portable app as another user by right-clicking and selecting Run As Admin.

Adding or Removing a Personal Picture on the Menu

Starting with the Menu 1.1 release, you can add a personal picture to the menu. To do this, just move your mouse over the upper-right region of the menu. A highlight box will appear. Click it and select the picture you wish to add. 48x48 pixel images work best. To remove your personal picture, just right-click on it. You can use BMP, JPG or PNG files. Transparent PNGs are supported and when you choose a PNG, the outline is removed.

Using The Built-In Wallpaper Swapper

The Platform has an easy-to-use wallpaper swapper built in. It will change the wallpaper on the PC to your own while it's running and change it back when you exit. To use it, just save the wallpaper of your choice as a Windows BMP file (RGB encoding for the geeky) to your X:\Documents\Pictures directory and name the file portableapps_wallpaper.bmp. The next time you start up the Platform, it will find it and use it. You can also add a portableapps_wallpaper_wide.bmp file which will be automatically be used on widescreen displays.

Moving the Menu and Changing Its Startup Location

To move the Menu, just move your mouse to the logo at the top. You'll see the mouse pointer change to a four way directional arrow. Hold down your mouse button and move the menu wherever you'd like. When you close the Platform, the menu will remember it's relative position on the screen (top, middle or bottom as well as left, center or right) and start up at that same location even if you move to another PC.

Rename Your Drive

To rename your drive, just click on the drive name in the lower left corner of the menu. Type in the name you'd like and click the ">" button or hit enter on your keyboard. You may need to eject and reinsert your drive for the new name to show up in Windows Explorer.

Backing Up Your Settings (Bookmarks, Email, Preferences, etc)

The Platform comes with Backup, an easy-to-use backup utility. Just click the backup icon on the Menu and select backup. You'll get to pick what you want to back up and where you'd like to store your backups.

Note: Backup's app data backup feature only works with apps in Format (since their data is in a standard location). For other apps, you should be sure to backup your entire drive.

Disable the Windows 7 Taskbar Icon

To disable the Windows 7 taskbar icon, close the Platform. Browse to X:\PortableApps\\Data and open the file PortableAppsMenu.ini in your favorite text editor (Notepad is fine). In the section [DisplayOptions] add the following line:


Then save and restart the Platform.

Change the Language of the Platform

To have the Platform appear in your own language, just click Options and then Language in the menu and select the language of your choice. The menu will instantly change to your selected language. Plus, most apps in Format will automatically detect the language you are using in the menu and switch to it on launch.

Uninstalling the Suite or Platform

Since the Suite and Platform is self-contained, uninstalling is a snap. To remove the suite, you simply delete its files. This would be the Documents and PortableApps directories as well as the StartPortableApps.exe and autorun.inf files in the root directory. If you don't have any data you wish to save on your portable device, you could also format it if you'd like. If you do have data within the Documents directory you'd like to save, simply delete the directories you don't wish to keep. To remove the custom icons on the Documents directory (or any others), just delete the hidden desktop.ini file within each directory.

Advanced Features

These advanced features require you to edit the PortableAppsMenu.ini file within your X:\PortableApps\\Data directory. You need to edit it with the Platform closed and be sure to add the entry (or edit the existing entry if it is already there) to the [DisplayOptions] section.

  • Remain Visible - If you add a line reading RemainVisible=True to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, it will remain visible even when you click off of it or launch an app. You can hide and show it by clicking on the icon in your system tray.
  • Start Minimized - If you add a line reading StartMinimized=True to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, it will start in the system tray without displaying.
  • Fade Menu - If you change the line FadeMenu=False to true in your PortableAppsMenu.ini, the menu will fade in and out.
  • Transparent Menu - If you change the line AlphaBlendMain=255 to a lower number, the menu will appear partially transparent. 200 works well.
  • Disable App Language Switching - You can disable the app language switching by adding a section called [Localization] and then an entry DisableAppLanguageSwitching=true to your PortableAppsMenu.ini
  • Hide Desktop Icons - You can have the platform hide the PC's desktop icons when running clicking options and checking off Hide Desktop Icons.
  • Show Single App Icon - You can set the menu to only show a single icon for multiple icon apps like Portable by adding this entry: ShowSingleIconForMultiIconApps=true

Known Issues

Some applications have known issues. These are details on each application's support page.