Pidgin Portable 2.4.2 Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on May 19, 2008 - 4:36pm

Pidgin logoPidgin Portable 2.4.2 has been released. Pidgin Portable is a versatile instant messaging client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your IM settings and buddy lists with you. It has all the same great features as Pidgin, including support for AOL, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and Jabber networks, but there's nothing to install on the local PC. This new release updates Pidgin to the current 2.4.2 release. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details...


Pigdin Portable ScreenshotPidgin Portable is a multi-protocol instant messaging client that works with AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! and more. You can log into multiple networks all with the same program. All your IM settings and buddy lists are self-contained, so it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Learn more about Pidgin...

Pidgin Portable supports the two most popular encryption plugins for Pidgin. Both are packaged as portable installers that automatically work with Pidgin Portable. You can install Pidgin-Encryption 3.0 and/or Pidgin-OTR 3.1 and communicate securely with other users.

Users of Windows 98 and Me can get Pidgin Portable working on their machines by following the steps outlined in the Running on Windows 98/Me support topic.

New In This Release

This new release updates Pidgin to 2.4.2 (change log). Installer / Format

Pidgin Portable is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Pidgin Portable is available for immediate download from the Pidgin Portable homepage. Get it today!

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Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?


"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

I've was using it all last night and it worked fine.