2X Client Portable 7.3.727 Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 21, 2009 - 12:17pm

♠logo2X Client Portable 7.3.727 has been released. 2X Client Portable is a remote server/desktop access client that allows you to connect to all your servers using a single client. It works seamlessly with the 2X ApplicationServer as well as with native Remote Desktop Protocol built into your Windows PC. It's packaged as a portable app so you can bring all your connections with you. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps.com Suite. It's released as freeware for personal and business use.

Read on for more details...



  • Native RDP Connections - Using the 2X Client you can now connected to a machine running Microsoft Terminal Server using a Remote Desktop Protocol connection. Administrators can easily configure desktop connections and publish applications using one tool.
  • Embedded Desktops - With your 2X Client you can now use Embedded Desktops. This allows you to load a number of different Desktops inside one application. Switching between the different desktops is as simple as clicking on a different tab.
  • ApplicationServer: Publish applications and Desktops - 2X ApplicationServer allows you to publish particular applications installed on a Terminal Server onto the desktop of a remote user. For example you can tunnel just an accounts package onto a user’s local desktop without giving the user access to a full desktop or publish a full desktop as an application on the Terminal Server.

2X ApplicationServer: 2X is offering a 30-day trial version of the full version of 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services. Users can also use the 3-connection free version by registering for the 3-connection license key on the 2X website. Get it from the 2X ApplicationServer download page today.

PortableApps.com Installer / PortableApps.com Format

2X Client Portable is packaged in a PortableApps.com Installer so it will automatically detect an existing PortableApps.com installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in PortableApps.com Format, so it automatically works with the PortableApps.com Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


2X Client Portable is available for immediate download from the 2X Client Portable homepage. Get it today!

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Can anybody tell me the differences OR compare, inside the same virtual remote desktops between ultravnc(it is running a .reg file, away of becoming portable ) and 2x?
I mean in the same kind of service. I mean working remote with other computers, not in new features as thin.. Citrix .. blah blah etc...

If MS could not win with its OFFICE, how can you imagine you can do something MS could no?
It is up to you, to have 2 o 3 million users, or to have 10users or maybe alone, (after a cleaning up time)

Thanks for new things

OliverK's picture

This is a portable packaging of a RDP Client. VNC is unencrypted traffic, and it requires that you set up additional software on your computer. RDP is included by default on windows.

If MS could not win with its OFFICE, how can you imagine you can do something MS could no?
It is up to you, to have 2 o 3 million users, or to have 10users or maybe alone, (after a cleaning up time

Why don't you make a new post in the other apps support forums with your questions?

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Thanks for extended-info. I may try the product :).
vnc gets a dsm encryption.

I meant about MS dropping: that is what happen to businesses not supporting free software. Smile

I've been looking for something like this for a long time!
I just need to know, what are the connections i need to set up?

Stevoisiak's picture

I've always wanted something like this. And congrats, a freeware app!

Edit: Ugh. This is a freeware version of software you can buy. Please try to stay away from those apps. Freeware is fine, but I couldn't stand the thought of corprate software that have pay-for versions filling PortableApps.com. Although I don't run the site, I have to say, please stay away from programs that have pay-to-use versions, or are heavily corporate.

Simplifying daily life through technology

John T. Haller's picture

Read up on things before posting. The 2X Client is freeware, unencumbered, no trial. It works as an RDP client with regular Windows without additions. It can also work with the 2X ApplicationServer, which ALSO has a completely freeware version.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Stevoisiak's picture

I know that. But this is a limited version of a pay for program.

I know all the apps will always be free, but I always come to this site seeing how great the open source community is. How nobody is corprate, and people will actually help you often. 2X is not like that. They are closed.

I just don't like opening the app page, and seeing it links to a trial for AppServer. I also find it off you need to regester to download the version on the site with name and address, but not here.

I dunno, maybe I'm just being a bit bias and nit picky.

Simplifying daily life through technology

John T. Haller's picture

Once again, no, it is NOT. 2X Client is only available as a free version. Period. It's not a trial version. It's not a limited one. There is no payware version of it.

And you don't need to register on the site either, there's a link that says to download without registering just below it.

It is a *good* thing that a for-profit company like 2X is supporting a fully open source, open development platform like PortableApps.com. That's a big deal. And it means we're one step closer to ensuring that a hardware-locked solution or a single closed vendor doesn't dominate the realm of portable software in the future. Freeware and commercial software are all parts of the software ecosystem. If you'd like to discuss the merits, please post in the forum. It's a bit unfair to be talking it down in a news announcement of their product. It's like complaining that PhotoShop isn't free when Adobe released a version for Linux.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

I do like most of the applications on this site to be OpenSource, but as long as their is no strings attached for a paid upgrade or something like that, I am perfectly fine with it.

And as John T. Haller said, it is GREAT for a FOR-PROFIT company to get involved with an OpenSource project like PortableApps.com.

I also saw that Google Chrome was added as a PortableApp which is great ( even though I still would rather use Firefox ) :).

I wonder what freeware there is to come Wink Pardon

OliverK's picture


Thakyou so much John! Maybe Screamer can be next Biggrin

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

ss@2x.com's picture

To clear the air the free 2X 3-Connection Edition (AS/VDS) does not expire and is not a trial. The free edition key can be found in the 2X Console or you can copy and paste it from here: OFP3-IBJI-QSO7-N87L

We do have a 30 day trial on our Enterprise Edition which is 2 (AS/VDS)with unlimited user connections,Load Balancing, and Universal Printing.

Please contact me if you have any further questions. Thank You.

Scott Sims
General Manager, Americas
2X Software

Me too, I'm so disappointed to see freeware here now.

OpenSource is a highway to a better future, freeware is a dead-end street. I believe Scott Sims when he says it will be free forever, but frankly it's not him to know. Companies get bought, he can get a new boss, ... How much freeware has become abandon-ware?
OpenSource means people are verifying the code and building new applications on it. When it is a quality program someone WILL take it over when it gets abandoned, and new applications WILL come out of it.

Freeware is going back to the stone-age. Going back to times where they didn't write the ingredients on groceries, or the content or side-effects on medicine. Freeware is a waste of everything, it's like heroine, you get high from it for a while, but when it's over there's nothing good left.

I used to like this site because it gave an overview of the best of OpenSource, with (not always the latest, but nah-ja) updates of these version in one place. A trusted source of quality and a better future. Now you became just one of so many sites ...

John T. Haller's picture

Once again, please move this discussion into the forums, not as comments in a news story.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!