BPBible Portable Released

Chris Morgan's picture
Submitted by Chris Morgan on November 12, 2009 - 10:51pm

BPBible logoBPBible Portable has been released. It's a Bible study tool packaged with a PortableApps.com Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your Bibles with you on the go. It has all the same great features as BPBible including support Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, Gospel harmonies and more, but there's nothing to install. This release fixes an issue with re-indexing. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps.com Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details...


BPBible Portable ScreenshotBPBible Portable is a free, open source Bible study package for your computer. It makes it so that you can read the Bible, view commentaries, look at dictionaries, examine Gospel harmonies, search Bibles, and lots more. With BPBible Portable, you can now study religious matter wherever you are, without needing to carry heavy books. Learn more about BPBible...

New In This Release

This release fixes an issue with re-indexing that caused crashes in some instances.

PortableApps.com Installer / PortableApps.com Format

BPBible Portable is packaged in a PortableApps.com Installer so it will automatically detect an existing PortableApps.com installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in PortableApps.com Format, so it automatically works with the PortableApps.com Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


BPBible Portable is available for immediate download from the BPBible Portable homepage. Get it today!

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John T. Haller's picture

Thanks for your work on this Chris. And Jon, too.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Chris Morgan's picture

Could you please supply some more details? I'm not aware of any issues with it. If it installed correctly, then corruption can't be the issue. Is there any other software which could be breaking it, e.g. antivirus software?

We can pursue this in the BPBible support forum if there's no quick and easy fix.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Hi I already had the last version of bpbible on my 4gb usb drive.
I downloaded and installed the new version over the old.
When I try to open the program it attempts to open but then i get the following message.....

BPBible - Flexible Bible Study has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the informatiuon you were working on might be lost.
Then the usual please tell microsoft about this problem message.

Error signature.
AppName: bpbible.exe AppVer: ModName: bpbible.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0000211e

I have also downloaded the program again and installed on another usb drive with the same results.
I have also tried both usb drives on three seperate computers two running windows xp one running Vista.

P.S. previous version worked okay.
Hope this info helps.


Chris Morgan's picture

Could you try renaming the Data folder to something else to check if it's data corruption?

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

BPBible is exactly the same application as BPBible 0.4.5, rebuilt to prevent crashes. Unfortunately, it seems it introduces other problems. If you are able to create search indexes then it might be safer to stay with 0.4.5 until we figure out the problem.

Hi Chris
Renamed Data folder but no joy.
Same result Bpbible attempts to start then you get following message:
BPBible - Flexible Bible Study has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

I had no problem with old version so intend to return to this till problem solved.
Do you have link to previous version download?
(Must learn to backup before upgrade!!!)


got a malware issue with comodo on bpbible


Chris Morgan's picture

As you know, false positives can happen. And if it's not a false positive, the infection has occurred at your end.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

i'll reinstall... why would they target this program? i guess they might be anti-christian... that makes sense, actually


another poster pointed out it might be comodo, and i agreed because it began to behave strangely, asking permission for actions already decided. It must have gone through a large update, i guess... or something. I can reinstall and check again.
