PortableApps.com has released the PortableApps.com Platform 2.0 Beta 4, making it easier than ever to carry your favorite software with you. This test release is an update of the 2.0 Beta 3 release with the new enhancements from 1.6 included. From 1.6, the latest feature is theme switching and a system tray icon fix. And, as always, it's all open source and completely free.
The PortableApps.com Suite 2.0 Beta 4 release is available for user to test from the beta forum release announcement. Please post testing-related comments there.
What's New in 2.0 Beta 4
The PortableApps.com Platform 2.0 release includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements including:
- Theme Switching - Seven colors (Red, Bronze, Green, Blue, Violet, Black and Silver) are included with the PortableApps.com Platform along with the ability to load other themes in PATheme format (an example is included below).
- System Tray Icon Fix - The system tray icon will now properly hide the menu, fixing an issue introduced in 1.6
Roadmap to 2.0
As many of our dedicated users will know, the 1.6 update seems a bit out of order with our original 2.0 plan. We decided it was more important to get many of the features we were working on out to users now rather than wait for the big 2.0 release. So, you can enjoy them now. 2.0 itself is still in the works. 2.0 Beta 4 is now out and includes all the updates in 1.6 as well as theming re-enabled. This will be followed by additional betas, each of which will add a significant new feature including the upcoming PortableApps.com Updater and improved menu organization. We'll be posting weekly status updated to the PortableApps.com Forums again detailing our progress on 2.0 as well as all the other things in the works.
Installing and Upgrading
Whether installing or upgrading, with PortableApps.com, it's a snap. Just download the new PortableApps.com Platform 2.0 release and install it to your portable device's root directory. If you're upgrading, it will automatically detect your existing install.
Download Today
The PortableApps.com Suite 2.0 Beta 4 release is available for user to test from the beta forum release announcement. Please post testing-related comments there.
Testing beta 4
Hi, John,
Could you highlight specifically the differences between 2.0 beta 4 and 1.6 release version so we can concentrate on breaking ... er, testing .. those features?
Obviously re-enabling themes is one. Have loaded the Windows 7 theme and it looks good.
Read the article
Read the article again. There's a section right near the top called "What's New in 2.0 Beta 4?"
So for me the beta4 works just as well as the Beta 3, except for that. Ico I can continue to find anything. No problems with me, I have Windows XP Pro and a 4GB stick.
Маленькая, но досадная ошибка: при нажатии кнопки "отсоединения USB устройств" происходит выход из программы.
RE: ;-)
DE: Meine Güte, jetzt muss ich auch noch Russisch lernen. ^^
EN: Now I must learn my goodness, still Russian. ^^
RU: Теперь я должен учить мою доброту, также еще русский язык. ^^
RU: У вас ещё всё впереди: кроме русского понадобится китайский!
EN: You still all ahead: but Russian Chinese need!
DE: Sie haben noch alle vor, aber Russisch Chinesisch brauchen!
Turning on untouched-for-month PC for this stuff.
Taskbar Icon
I've got the portable apps launcher pinned to the taskbar in Windows 7. But when i click the launcher, instead of highlighting the existing icon like for other programs, another portableapps launcher icon appears in the taskbar to show that its open. Other programs that are already pinned to the launcher, just get an outline when they are opened but this one gets an extra. any fix?
Taskbar Icon
just found the fix sorry. wish it was automatic
I thought the no hide was a feature.
With 1.6 I only needed to click on the portable apps icon once to bring the menu forward as opposed to twice with the hiding feature (once to hide it even though it is covered by other programs and once to bring it back up forward of those programs). I wish the hiding was a controlable option.
well thought b4 was supposed
well thought b4 was supposed to have the updater... all well back to codysafe until it does... ttfn
Beta 4 is pretty good. I
Beta 4 is pretty good. I haven't found any problems yet. But when will be out version which will support directories in PA.c platform? That is the only thing that i miss till now.
Update feature?
When I tried out the update feature it brought me to the Portableapps site said I was on build 1.999 and it was outdated wanted me to install 1.6 is this normal?
Needs an exception
John needs to add an exception; before 1.6 there was an exception for version 1.1.992.0 (the Beta then) but since 1.6 it hasn't been updated to list 1.999.0.0.
(I can't modify the page myself.)
Thanks figured wa something like that BTW awesome job you guys are doing here, the more I see the more I love. I have portableapps on a 6gb WD 1" drive and also the Portableapps music on a 4gb flash. Next will be loading the lite onto a drive and adding all my none portableapps portable programs onto it ( now that I have read how to do so)
Awesome work once again
Hook the explore to a specific program?
Is there a way to either customize the explore on the PA menu to allow the user to choose a program to explore with or to permanently hook it to a portable file explorer like say Xenon? Right now when I hit explore it defaults to Windows explorer which is ok. But I like the idea of keeping it in the "family" so to speak and using a portable app would do so.
You can only use the Windows Explorer.
was hoping
I was hoping, I know when John released the Special Music edition of PA it hooked some links to automatically open the PA Firefox so was wondering if same could be done for explore.
Is there anything planned for Organizing programs with submenus? Would be an interesting feature for me and give more clearness in organizing my programs.
Categories are planned for
Categories are planned for the next beta.
This is very very good. (y)
This is very very good. (y)
beta 5?
I coulda sweared i sawed platform beta 5... but... no?
still at beta 4?
how do i navigate to the download without having to do a search for it?
Changing theme to patheme
Perhaps I've missed something. I downloaded and "installed" a patheme-file (Windows 7) and it all looked nice. But how could I get the menue to start from the beginning as the PortableApps-menue? Now I always have to klick Options/Theme to change. (It's easy to change the menue to red or green by changing the images but this....).
Now it works....
Hm, now it works... Don't bother answering.