Toucan 3.0.1 Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on June 17, 2010 - 6:26pm

Toucan logoToucan 3.0.1 has been released by Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync, backup and secure files on your portable device. Toucan 3 is a major new Toucan release with many new features worked on over the past year including improved syncing, better responsiveness, long file path support and more. The scripting engine is totally new and much more powerful, though existing scripts from 2.x will have to be rewritten. 3.0.1 fixes a few bugs in the initial 3.0 release and adds back in a link to help and about from the Settings tab. It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details...


Toucan Screenshot Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. Its features include:

  • Four synchronization modes, copy, update, mirror and equalize.
  • Four backup modes, complete, update, incremental and restore, in industry standard zip and 7-zip files
  • AES-256 encryption using ccrypt.
  • Command line support, allows you to create a batch file for repeated jobs

New In This Release

  • A brand new scripting back-end using the Lua programming language
  • A much improved Sync system
  • Many more options and settings in Sync, Backup and Secure
  • Support for long file paths in Windows
  • Completely overhauled command line interface
  • Pervasive threading throughout the application to ensure responsiveness
  • Much much more!

3.0.1 fixes a few bugs in the initial 3.0 release and adds back in a link to help and about from the Settings tab.

Please note existing scripts are not compatible with Toucan 3, they will need to be rewritten in the new scripting language, for more information see the improved help system linked to in the help.html file in the root of your install. Thankyou to everyone who contributed ideas, feedback and translations, they are always greatly appreciated. Installer / Format

Toucan is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Toucan is available for immediate download from the Toucan homepage. Get it today!

Story Topic:


I use Toucan for Securing my files on public PCs
and For Syncing my files to my Flash drive,

does 3.0.1 have a preview before sync ? if not then it's useless.

I'm staying with 2 for now.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

Back Again, for the 3.0.1 release.
In the Sync mode:
Now, with the "Preview Only Changes" set, after you run "Preview Button", in the destination field tree you will see NOTHING;
without the "Preview Only Changes" set, after you run "Preview Button", in the destination field tree you will see only the new copied files highlighted in Blue but any other file highlighted with their colors (no Red, no Grey, no Green, every other files are Black).
Definitely, you seem to have some problems with your new release, it happens when you make things to much complicated.
I only tested the "Sync" mode because it is the most useful for me.
I don't dare to test the other operations modes, I don't dare to imagine what I could find.
Thanks, again, and good luck.