Pidgin Portable 2.7.2 Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 22, 2010 - 2:31pm

Pidgin logoPidgin Portable 2.7.2 has been released. Pidgin Portable is a versatile instant messaging client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your IM settings and buddy lists with you. It has all the same great features as Pidgin, including support for AOL, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and Jabber networks, but there's nothing to install on the local PC. This new release updates Pidgin to the latest version and has an improved launcher. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details... Platform 2.0 Beta 5 users who already have this app installed, simply click 'Check for Updates' in your PA.c Menu to update to the new version.


Pigdin Portable ScreenshotPidgin Portable is a multi-protocol instant messaging client that works with AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! and more. You can log into multiple networks all with the same program. All your IM settings and buddy lists are self-contained, so it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Learn more about Pidgin...

Pidgin Portable supports the two most popular encryption plugins for Pidgin. Both are packaged as portable installers that automatically work with Pidgin Portable. You can install Pidgin-Encryption 3.0 and/or Pidgin-OTR 3.2 and communicate securely with other users.

New In This Release

This new release updates Pidgin to the latest release (change log). Installer / Format

Pidgin Portable is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Pidgin Portable is available for immediate download from the Pidgin Portable homepage. Get it today!

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John T. Haller's picture

As always, if you got it from us and it's unaltered, it's a false positive. TrendMicro has had issues like this in the past. It's actually flagging it as a non-existent placeholder: PAK_Generic.001. You can see the results here:

Please report this to TrendMicro so they can fix their error.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

I am using two MSN accounts, one for private purposes and another for work, in Pidgin Portable. The default MSN protocol seems not to be working at the moment. If used with the standard plugin, I get an error telling that "Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again.". There were no problems yesterday.

I switched the accounts to use the WLM plugin and got the private account working; however, the second account returns an error "Error on notification server: Unknown Error Code 403". This has been the case for almost five hours now, so I think that it won't go away by itself.

John T. Haller's picture

It's not a portable issue, so nothing to do with us. Pidgin itself won't connect to MSN (my local copy won't connect right now). Keep an eye on the Pidgin site for an announcement if it is indeed a Pidgin-only issue and not another instance of MSN having internal problems. If it is Pidgin and they release a patch, we'll update, as always.

Personally, it doesn't bug me much as everyone I know here in the US abandoned MSN due to it being so flaky and spam-ridden. I know some other areas of the world it's the predominant IM provider, so they're probably not happy.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

if so many in the US are switching to something else, could you recommend a good alternative or two? Many of us in the not so technical world would benefit from friendly recommendations!



I've had problems connecting to MSN today (2010-July-30th 10:25 US EST) using Pidgin. It seems to have resolved itself now but it wouldn't connect earlier saying something like "couldn't retrieve buddy list". I'm guessing this was an MSN issue, not a Pidgin issue, as has been suggested.

I just verified with several Meta-Agent users of Pidgin 2.72 vs. 2.71...
2.71 folks are connecting with NO ISSUE
2.72 folks are UNABLE TO CONNECT
...where'd I put that last DL of 2.71...

Living can be hazardous to your health, you may die from it.
~Phil Sergent

So why am I connected to MSN using 2.72 of Pidgin Portable?

It sounds like a similar issue to Yahoo in recent prior versions. Are people who are unable to connect using some kind of proxy? There must be a reason why it works for some but not for others.

2.71 is available here

Hey Darkbee, thanks for the link to 2.71... I'm now connecting without issue to MSN... explain that to me.

Living can be hazardous to your health, you may die from it.
~Phil Sergent

would that be dictated by the email address I sign in with? If so then I guess I'm using the "old" since it's a hotmail account.

Ok, ok, I wasn't yelling, I was stressing/emphasizing what I had discovered.
I'll try sharing without caps this time. Smile
Seems if you're using the 'latest, greatest and most recent of MSN Live Messenger agents, you'll be connecting to your other buddies just fine.
However, if, like me, you're not using your Live account, 2.72 will give you issue when attempting to connect.
So, given the disparity, I bet therein lies the success or failure of connection.
That is why I was asking Darkbee if he's using MSN Live or old.
I believe that will/could make the difference...

Living can be hazardous to your health, you may die from it.
~Phil Sergent

I'm not disputing that there may be an issue with Pidgin and MSN, just as there was in a couple of versions prior with Pidgin and Yahoo (which is documented on the Pidgin website). What I'm suggesting is that it doesn't effect all users (otherwise I wouldn't be connected), just certain users who have very specific configuration requirements (e.g. like Internet connection running through a proxy server). I don't know what the issue is, I'm merely putting forth some possibilities.

Darkbee, tnx for the feedback.
It must be more than just the MSN client then.
Well, all I know at this point; going back to 2.71 fixed my MSN connection issues.
I believe I'll wait till 2.73+ before updating again. There's a reason they call it the bleeding edge, eh? Smile
Your link made it a quick & easy downgrade / correction for the current issue at hand.
I recommend it to anyone want to get it fixed fast and get on with what we were doing before it became an issue.

Living can be hazardous to your health, you may die from it.
~Phil Sergent