PortableApps.com On Computer America Radio Show Tonight at 10pm NY Time

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 21, 2010 - 5:51pm

PortableApps.com's own John T. Haller [ aka me :) ] will be live on the Computer America Radio Show tonight at 10pm EDT, 7pm PDT. You can listen to a live stream online while the show is airing or listen to the archive tomorrow once it is made available. There is also a live online chat by entering your name on their site (homepage, left-hand side) where we'll be taking questions as well. Hope you can tune in!

Listen Online: In the Computer America Archive, just select Thu Oct 21 Hour 1, and you can listen to the 30 minute segment at your convenience.

Story Topic:


OliverK's picture

Planning on listening Smile

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

SamRaven2's picture

So far so good John. Missed the first few minuets thanks to my headphones being tangled.

Avete condotto una vita meravigliosa. Benchè ora sia tempo di partire. Riposi nella pace il mio amico, resto nella pace.

SamRaven2's picture

Enjoyed the show, and I can't wait for those java apps you mentioned. By the way, you also mentioned the 2.0 platform. Any ideas on how long that will be coming out?

Avete condotto una vita meravigliosa. Benchè ora sia tempo di partire. Riposi nella pace il mio amico, resto nella pace.

Darkbee's picture

Great to see people supporting PortableApps. It was a great segment, a real plus for PortableApps.com! Congrats John. Smile

John T. Haller's picture

I just added the link so you can listen to it on your own time now that they have the interview online.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

That was a really awesome interview John!! Portable apps never disappoints. Keep up the great work, very excited for the future.

gluxon's picture

John, you probably already know this, but while you were disconnected, the Computer America host said somthing along the lines of "PortableApps will allow you to use an app on any computer without any traces or work left behind, is that right John? ...John?". This is really misleading, and might get some of our future users to think PortableApps.com is about stealth.

BTW, I thought for sure you would mention Eclipse Portable when you were talking about the flood of Java apps after 2.0 Blum

Sadly, While it gave a nice overview of PortableApps for people unfamiliar with the concept, I found the audio itself difficult to listen to.

It sounds like they really need a new audio engineer. The one hosts' audio level was significantly lower then everyone else's making it difficult to hear at "normal" volume and forcing me to turn the volume up to hear what he was saying. At the end of the first segment the ads came on at a higher level, then another ad played which was significantly quieter...

The levels seemed to be all over the map turning listening into a game of chase the volume levels...

After they were done with John I didn't even want to bother sticking around to see who they had lined up to talk to next.