Toucan 3.0.4 Released

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on November 30, 2010 - 11:58am

Toucan logoToucan 3.0.4 has been released by Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync, backup and secure files on your portable device. Toucan 3.0.4 is a small bug fix release. Fixes include improve handling of different case files and better output display sizing. Thanks as always to everyone who helped test. It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details... Platform 2.0 Beta 5 users who already have this app installed, simply click 'Check for Updates' in your PA.c Menu to update to the new version.


Toucan Screenshot Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. Its features include:

  • Four synchronization modes, copy, update, mirror and equalize.
  • Four backup modes, complete, update, incremental and restore, in industry standard zip and 7-zip files
  • AES-256 encryption using ccrypt.
  • Command line support, allows you to create a batch file for repeated jobs

New In This Release

Toucan 3.0.4 is a small bug fix release. Fixes include improve handling of different case files and better output display sizing. Thanks as always to everyone who helped test.

Please note existing 2.0 scripts are not compatible with Toucan 3, they will need to be rewritten in the new scripting language, for more information see the improved help system linked to in the help.html file in the root of your install. Installer / Format

Toucan is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Toucan is available for immediate download from the Toucan homepage. Get it today!

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Darkbee's picture

Thanks for all your hard work on this one Steve, I know there have been a lot of little niggles and quirks that you've been working out. I think Toucan continues to get better with every release.

Great app!

Ph4n70m's picture

Great! Toucan is a great app!
Where can I find the changelog?

John T. Haller's picture

This is about it: "Toucan 3.0.4 is a small bug fix release. Fixes include improve handling of different case files and better output display sizing."

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller's picture

Ah, it appeared in the intro but was missing for some browsers in the New section do to an unclosed tag. I fixed it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller's picture

Case means upper and lower case, say if one file is called readme.txt and the other is ReadMe.txt.

The other is just displaying some columns better.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!