PortableApps.com and The Document Foundation are proud to announce the release of LibreOffice Portable 3.3. LibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite -- including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database -- packaged as a portable app, so you can take all your documents and everything you need to work with them wherever you go. The multilingual package includes support for English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) and 10 other languages. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps.com Suite. And it's open source and completely free.
LibreOffice is packaged for portable use with permission and assistance from The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite that's compatible with Microsoft Office, Word Perfect, Lotus and other office applications. It's easy-to-use and feature-rich, performing nearly all of the functions you'd expect in an office suite, but at no cost.
Learn more about LibreOffice...
PortableApps.com Installer / PortableApps.com Format
LibreOffice Portable is packaged in a PortableApps.com Installer so it will automatically detect an existing PortableApps.com installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in PortableApps.com Format, so it automatically works with the PortableApps.com Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.
LibreOffice Portable is available for immediate download from the LibreOffice Portable homepage. Get it today!
Thanks, Marko and John!
I'm glad to see this so quickly! It appears that the Document Foundation is much easier to work with than Oracle. Whether PortableApps continues to offer OO or not, I've become a LO convert.
Great work!
Things not work out with Oracle?
I suppose I will ditch OO.o for this, then. I hope that it opens up at paces comparable to OO.o 3.2.1 or 3.3.
Edit: It works good! I like this office suite, so long OO.o.
At least PortableApps is not beholden to Oracle now for an office suite. Excellent addition to the PortableApps stable!
I have been looking forward to this!
I never expected it to be available so soon and never so close after the installer version!
You outdid yourself!
Great work and great news! Kudos to the portableapps.com team.
No fuss, no muss
I was wondering why LibreOffice takes 428 mb when installed while OpenOffice takes only 230 mb when installed. Anybody know why?
3.3 is Bigger and Multilingual
The 3.3 release of OOo is noticeably bigger than OOo 3.2 as it's a significant upgrade with additional functionality. LibreOffice adds additional features to OOo making it a bit larger still. And this release is also multilingual with support for 17 languages. A local English-only install of LibreOffice that hasn't been packed with the PortableApps.com AppCompactor weighs in at 440MB. The settings take another 5MB.
Oh, that makes sense then. Thanks for such a quick reply. Will you continue to offer both programs?
We're in discussions with Oracle to continue OpenOffice.org Portable development. Currently OpenOffice.or 3.2.0 is the last version to be offered portably. Any portable packages of OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 or 3.3.0 are being done illegally.
Libre diet
Can I download it in Eng only ?
It doesn't save a whole lot of space and it's a lot more work to maintain inidividual language installers. So we're opting to go multilingual for now. As mentioned, the whole portable install with data is a decent amount smaller than a standard English-only install of the local version thanks to selective functionality and AppCompactor.
add this info to the help file.
please add details on which files and folders can be safely removed (lang files, Icon sets ...)
Just like the info in the Chrome help file, it mentions which files and folders can be removed and where to find them.
You can shrink it
I deleted what for me are all the unecessary files for
an English only install & have trimmed it down to 260Mb.
There are probably more files that can be removed, but
at this size it has not lost any functionality.
Can be Shrunk
It can be shrunk a bit. That English-only install can start at 448MB and shrink to 342MB using the PortbaleApps.com AppCompactor. From there, you can manually remove things like extra icon sets (which we have), help and other files from other languages (which we have not), and additional bits.
Shrinking ....
I too had managed to trim the LibreOffice 3.3 folder (not the portableapps.com version), post-install quite a bit. I made a list of the files I deleted and their paths. Is it possible for me to share it (if anyone is interested)? It's a 210 KB text file.
In edit: this is without using the AppCompactor John mentioned. I must find out about this!
can you upload it and post the link ?
It's a bit of a mess but ...
here it is. I just did a directory listing of the deleted files and tried to clean the output up a bit but I got tired!
I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules here. If I am, my sincere apologies before hand.
what files/folders
may I know what files did you remove to get to 260Mb ?
just curious
I am happy to see LibreOffice in PortableApps but I have no problems with OO 3.2 right now. So I will wait to see which one will be dominant. I don't know what is wrong with oracle as OO was maintained by "Sun" before. So I will wait and see, as I can always upgrade from OO 3.2 to both of them.
Oracle Buys Sun
The reason PortableApps.com has to talk to Oracle about programs like Java & OpenOffice.Org now when they had permission from Sun is because Oracle has added Sun to its list of "Strategic Acquisitions"
Well done. And a good move to
Well done. And a good move to wait for the first official stable release!
I can now switch over to giving LibreOffice courses, and have participants actually use LibreOffice even if there’s only MS Office installed in the training centre and policies forbid installing it. And they can use it at home later, to use what they learned.
Thumbs up to both the Document Foundation and PA!
THANK YOU, that was quick.
This is a more than acceptable solution to the Oracle/OpenOffice problem.
Just to be clear, LibreOffice *is* OpenOffice, just with another name, and possibly minor differences as well? That's the impression I get, but nobody has come right out and said so.
Also, on the LibreOfficePortable page, when you click the FAQ item, something like "Can you pick and choose which apps to install?" it goes to your 404 page. Once I realized it was OpenOffice, repackaged (whatever the correct vernacular is) I had my answer, though -- no. This was asked before; apparently the various apps are so tightly integrated you can't pick and choose like with MS Office.
I'm taking a class on Microsoft Office 2010 this semester, so I get the Student version for 6 months. (Stupid 180 day trial still has to be activated and 25-digit code entered.) Took me a while to warm up to the Ribbon but I must say, it's a hell of an improvement. Still, I plan on getting rid of MS Office when the class is done, before my 6 months are up. I don't like the idea of Microsoft cutting me off on their schedule, and I'd buy the cheapest edition, with at least Word and Excel, but it's about 2-3 times what I'm willing to pay.
Oh well.
Home & Student
Of MSOffice 2007, I was able to purchase the "Home & Student" version (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote) for 'just' 80€ (and saw it 2 days later for ~15€ less :/ ).
Maybe they offer such thing again with 2010?
Home & Student 2010
Yes there is a Home & Student version of MS Office 2010. It costs about US$115 on Amazon.com and can be installed on three PCs.
Of course, libre still beats $115.
Microsoft Professional Academic
If you're a college student, or have access to a .edu email, you can get Office 2010 for $79.95 US. Either do a search for Microsoft Ultimate Steal or go to http://www.microsoft.com/student/office/en-us/default.aspx
just 115 USD? wow! here in
just 115 USD? wow!
here in italy i must spend 130 euro!

404 error fixed
... thank You for finding this typo!
LibreOffice is a port of OpenOffice.org
Yes NathanJ79,
You are correct in thinking they are the same. LibreOffice is a fork project from OOo, some of the OOo developersa have joined The Document Foundation team. From the LO website they changed the name to create a community controlled program instead of company controlled, hoping Oracle would pass the OOo name to the community (The Document Foundation). Their plan is too continue development and streamline the current code. LO 3.3 already has improvements over OOo 3.3
Pity about the name change but it certainly looks like an excellent step forward.
Oh and Thanks for getting this portable so quick!!!! Great Job!!!
Can't have spaces in installation path
I installed LibreOffice Portable using the PortableApps Platform "Install a New App" option. All of my portable apps are in a folder inside C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My PortableApps\...
After a successful installation, I attempted to open the application only to receive an error message telling me that the application could not be opened from a folder with a space in the folder name.
And, like OpenOffice.org Portable, that path is too long for LibreOffice to function, anyway. We haven't built the ability to detect these situations into the installer yet, so we can't warn you on install.
Why not move to a subfolder of the root?
You will save yourself quite a few headaches by simply moving your folder to C:\MyPortableApps\
(including removing the space from your folder name).
Really long file paths can cause problems with both Windows and with some apps.
Also, bear in mind that while Windows lets you name folders and files with spaces and quite a few unusual characters, that's no guarantee that every app will work with them. Your best bet is to stick with standard alphanumeric names, and instead of spaces you can use mixed caps (like "MyPortableApps") or the underscore character (such as "My_Portable_Apps").
Drive letter SUBSTition
I have a testing area for PortableApps that I keep somewhere deeper in the filesystem than some PortableApps can handle, and to get that problem I use SUBST.exe (part of Windows XP [& I assume later editions as well]) to substitute the path with a drive letter, You just have to run "
SUBST X: P:\ath\to\PAtestFolder
" (whereX:
is the drive letter you want to use, andP:\ath\to\PAtestFolder
is the path to my PortableApps Testing Folder {in your case "C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My PortableApps
"}) then I runX:\StartPortableApps.exe
and treat it like another flashdrive (I wrote a batch file which I placed in my PAtestFolder to do it quickly & easily)Note: To remove a drive letter substitution run "
is the drive letter that is SUBSTed)
" (once again, whereNote2: If you want to check and see what you already have SUBSTed you can run "
" without any parameters, and it will show you something like the following.Edit: Solanus brings up a good point about not using spaces in folder names, If you ever use Linux you'll notice that a path like "
X:\XAMPP\htdocs\A Folder With Spaces In The Name\A File With Spaces In The Name.ext
" on an apache for linux installation would be "/var/www/htdocs/A\ Folder\ With\ Spaces\ In\ The\ Name/A\ File\ With\ Spaces\ In\ The\ Name.ext
" which takes a rather longer time to type, and is easier to mess up; not to mention that when you visit this from a browser it ends up ashttp://localhost/A%20Folder%20With%20Spaces%20In%20The%20Name/A%20File%20With%20Spaces%20In%20The%20Name.ext
Will give this a shot!
I will definately try this!
Openoffice has always felt a bit bulky and sluggish. Hopefully this will run faster and provide a nice alternative.
OO < 3.3 versions do have security issues
Regarding OO I just "scanned" this morning a security report where multiple vulnerabilities were reported for all versions prior to 3.3.
So using the old version of OO which is portable might be troublesome.
Other issues were solved in Oct 2010 so the portable version does have a lot of more bugs actually.
Some info:
2 Bugs in Portable LO?
1. In Portable LO Options I only have the choice of Galaxy icon style. In LO 3.3.0 installed I have the choice of 6 styles. Looks like the didn't port to the portable version.
2. In Portable LO Writer View Options, when I change the Horizontal & Vertical Ruler to be set in inches it stays set only until I close LO Writer then next time I open Writer the go back to char and line.
Any Ideas?
By Design
The first is by design as the extra icon sets take up a lot of additional drive space. We will be making them available as an add-on shortly.
The second issue, please post details in the support forum including whether you are launching from the platform or not, operating system, install path, language, etc.
Second Issue
I'm having sort of the same problem. I can't even switch to inches (I remember that was a bug in LO beta 2 since fixed).
Installing to flash drive E:\PortrableApps\LibreOfficePortable
Running on Win 7 Pro x64 where everything is set to EN-US. Yes, I'm launching from the platform and I'm also double-clicking LibreOfficeWriterPortable.exe (I always launch using the platform, but I wanted to test)
This problem does not occur when using the local LibreOffice install (in fact, that defaulted to inches), which is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 3
Edit: Whoops, should have placed in Support Forum. That's what I get for hitting Reply when I'm half asleep. Posting there too.
Portable Apps bug or
is it the program. I'm getting a "cannot run from a directory with a space in it." This is the first Portable App that I've seen with this issue. I run all off my portable apps off of a folder called "Portable Apps" with the space in it.
App Itself
It's actually the app itself. Same as OpenOffice.org. It's best to install to a directory called PortableApps with no space.
First, thanks, I was looking forward to it. However, the "no spaces" thing does nag me. For years I've been keeping all my portable software, including OpenOffice Portable 3.2., in a separate folder on c:\ whose name contains a space, and never had any problems... So is this a new "feature" of Libre Office and/or Open Office 3.3? :o
Can't you just use CamelCase? I agree that spaces are aesthetically pleasing but I don't think it should be a deal breaker.
I may be the odd one out here,
but as far as folder & file names goes, I've always found CamelCase to be more æsthetically pleasing. (Then again, I wrote that way in kindergarten too)
I get your point, but this is not about what is more or less "aesthetically pleasing". If I were to set up my folder organization again today, I'd probably use different folder names without spaces anyway. The point is that I don't want to do that. For years I've had all my portable software in one folder (whose name, stupidly enough, has a space in it) and I normally launch those programs with Autohotkey shortcuts. If I changed the name of the portable apps folder, I'd need to change dozens of those shortcuts. The alternative is moving LO to a different folder outside this structure. This is simply a nuisance considering that previous versions of Open Office could handle spaces in its path just fine.
Tell LibreOffice
If you feel strongly about it you should take the time to comment to the people who might actually be able to fix this: the LibreOffice team (or should we say "Libre Office" team?)
Good idea, but...
I'd be surprised if people haven't commented to them already. Anyway, I may do that, too, as soon as I've decided I want to move from OpenOffice 3.2 to LibreOffice 3.3 after all—right now I'm not sure there's such a huge difference. And I wasn't complaining to PortableApps in any way—all I did was point out why this is quite a problem after all when Darkbee said it's not a big deal. Like most people, I like to have the stuff on my hard disk organized in some way, and I'm not exactly overjoyed being forced to re-organize everything just because one piece of software suddenly acts up in a way not seen since the days before Windows 95, for no apparent reason.
Not New
This isn't really a new issue. Multiple versions of OpenOffice.org have had this issue, as has Stellarium and a couple other apps. With OOo and Stellarium, the apps simply crash without error. This is why we've built into the PA.c Launcher the ability to detect and alert when spaces are in the path so apps like this can be set to warn people in a friendly way. This is also one of the reasons why we highly recommend using X:\PortableApps as the install location for all software.
You could quite easily do a find and replace across all your AutoHotKey scripts using Notepad++'s find/replace in files functionality. Do that once, double check a few things like FF/TB extension settings (a few have issues with path changes) and the like and everything will work properly from then out. If you have additional questions, please post them in the forums where there is already a thread about spaces and odd characters breaking certain apps.
John, I realize this isn't the right place, but for the record, for some reason I haven't had this problem with any previous version of OpenOffice Portable including 3.2. Thanks for the hint at Notepad++, I may try that some time.
Change is Good.. ish
If it makes you feel better and to show that I'm not one preaching about change without being prepared to make changes myself... I recently reorganized all of my portable apps to fit the PortableApps way of doing things. That is to say, follow the folder structure of having all apps in one "PortableApps" folder. I previously had them in categorized folders below the "PortableApps" folder level, much like the categories on the left hand side of this website. I didn't have spaces in folder names but things still broke because I don't use the PortableApps menu. I had to go through and edit my menu software to point all the items to the new path.
If this wasn't tedious enough, I had to do this not once but 5 + 1 times. 5 times for each family member including myself and then additional time for my separate work flash drive (which has a different set of apps on it). It was a complete PITA to put it mildy. However, I'm glad I did it because it now makes it much easier to install a new app multiple times since the only thing that changes in the installation path is the username. Furthermore, this now gives me the option at some future point to start using the PortableApps menu.
I appreciate that one app shouldn't force you to completely change your way of doing something, but perhaps if this is an issue with one app now it could be an issue with multiple apps in the future. Some minor inconvenience up front might save you some hassle in the future.
Is there a way to use OO.o config settings for LO?
Having done quite a bit of layout customization in OO.o, I was wondering (before I screw anything up) whether there is any easy way to import/use the OO.o config settings for LO?
Many thanks for what looks like an interesting - and exciting - addition to the PortableApps platform!
It depents on the OOo version
and the kind of Your customations.
Take a look at the support page and try the way You'll find there.
...for John and all the work he has done to get this release ready.
There was (and will be) a lot of things to do (not only coding) and believe me, there was much more work 'behind the scenes' for John.
Thanks to all Portable Appers for all the calls for the portable and the good wishes.
Give us some time now to work with this first release.
"Give us some time now to work with this first release. Smiling"
We'll let you guys rest for a couple of hours! Once again, congratulations on the product and it's smooth roll-out.
Screw Oracle
I am glad that LibreOffice was split away from Oracle/OpenOffice. That merger was the worst business practice I have seen because they got their greedy hands on things and started suing everybody. Google has an awesome open system with Android and when they were buying Sun, they knew of this and saw dollar signs in their eyes. I would hope that Java can be pulled away from Oracle too.
LibreOffice Portable Math shows as LibreOffice.org Portable Math in the menu.
I was
just about to report this.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
Note: This is just a typo in ...\LibreOfficePortable\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini on line #40
Edit: After a more thorough examination I see that all the .nsi files (Launcher Source Code) have
instead ofPortableApps.com/LibreOfficePortable
set for${WEBSITE}
except forLibreOfficePortableImpressU.nsi
; and all (including Impress) show.../OpenOfficePortable
on line #3 under ";Website:
etc throughout, but having not looked to deeply at what all is going on in the launcher for this I don't know if that might be intentional/necessary.And
lastly PortableApps.com/LibreOfficePortable is currently a 404: Not Foundwow, somebody fixed that while I was typing; cool.Performance of Libre Office Portable
Do not know if anyone else is experiencing this, but Libre Office is very slow. I have both LO and OO installed on my usb drive, and while nothing runs really fast on my usb drive, LO is very slow in comparison to OO. Good stuff nonetheless. Take Care.
A vote for keeping it multilingual
Here’s my vote for keeping LibreOffice Portable multilingual: I very often have to switch between German and English UIs, mainly for testing and support purposes. This is why I like the Portable Apps to be multilingual. You can just switch over to the other language, make some screenshots (or invoke TeamViewer) and show your British or American colleague what’s happening.
I much prefer this over the hassle you sometimes have to endure when trying to install more than one single-language app, especially in a portable way.
Fortunately, memory also becomes cheaper almost every day, so an app’s size alone shouldn’t matter that much anymore. I hope.
date format
I just tested LibreOffice Portable 3.3 on a Windows 2000 PC and experienced a problem with OpenOffice.Calc (v. 3.2.1 de, i.e. German version) files. If a cell is formated for a date in "TT.MM.JJ" format (like "31.12.10") the date is not displayed correctly. It is displayed as "TT.12.JJ". If I change the format to "DD.MM.YY" it displays correctly, but this "user-defined format" is not available in the list of date formats.
As I only tested the portable version I don't know, whether it is a general problem in LibreOffice / OpenOffice 3.3 or just in the portable version.
Nevertheless, thank you very much for the great work!
Thanks ... But not working?
First of all thanks a lot for this release. Full of joy I downloaded it and installed it on my flash drive, waiting ages until it was done, which of course is normal. Then I wanted to start the LibreOffice program and the loading screen came up. After a while it disappeared and nothing further happened. I tried installing it on my external harddrive, which of course went much faster, but it also wouldn't start the app. What am I doing wrong ??
Support Forum
As always, please post a complete description of what is happening in the support forum including operating system version, the path you have it installer to, what antivirus the PC is running, etc.
A work in progress
It is great to have this baby out, and hopefully will light a fire under Oracle's butt to cooperate more.
As the comments above attest, there are some issues, and I will not be wiping OpenOffice 3.2 off my disk just yet. Two bugs already run into: (1) I want my grids displayed in inches, not characters, but when I change the option it does not get saved; it is back to characters next time I open LO. (2) This is a deal-breaker for some editing jobs. When I click "File/Export as PDF" the PDF Options box does NOT come up as promised. You just get a choice of file name and location, as if you had clicked on the "Export Directly as PDF" icon, with no options for page range, etc.
These bugs have nothing to do with the PortableApps format or setup, but I thought people here should be properly warned.
According to this article: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8743015356.html ... an RC for 3.3.1 is due 2/7, and a "second set of enhancements, which will include critical bug fixes and more localization improvements, is expected on Mar. 7 as a release candidate."
Too slow
Thanks for this one, I have been waiting for an upgrade to OpenOffice 3.2.0 portable.
However, LibreOffice Portable is unbearable slow. Whatever I do inside the program takes forever, and it lags every time I try to use the toolbar or menus.
I am using it on a fast, new machine with USB 2.0 ports, and OpenOffice 3.2.0 portable was a great experience on the very same machine.
Even if I use the Bold toolbar icon several times, whatever the programs is reading is not cached anymore, so LibreOffice just lags whatever I do.
Sorry, but I cannot use it, and I have to revert to OpenOffice 3.2.0 portable.
Hope you can bring this message back to the LibreOffice developers, I can see other users have the same problem, and I can tell you, this machine is not the bottleneck, it is everything else.
The support page refers to OpenOffice on one occasion.
Besides that I think it would be nie to include a "update from openoffice without loosing your settings" section in the support page.
Launcher problem
I have some launcher problem. When I start LibreOffice directly from launcher in folder, change language settings and restart - it starts at selected language (Russian, Ukrainian settings). But when I start LibreOffice from PortableApps.com Platform, it reset language to English.
Why this happens?
platform language
it takes the language the platform has and uses it.
Bad idea
Bad idea, because is no Ukrainian translation for LibreOffice here and Ukrainian translation for Platform exists thanks to me and one more man. What can I do to use Russian?
Good point.
This is a bug in the platform, I think.
I think that if you have the platform set to a language that is not supported by the app, then the app should be able to use its own settings and ignore the platform. What seems to be happening now is that the app can't find Ukranian, so the platform is forcing it to go to the default (English) setting.
fall back
I think the launcher falls back to english if the platform language (here ukrainian) foesnt exist for the application (here libreoffice). You can either set the platform to russian or disable language switching for the platform entirely (https://portableapps.com/support/portable_apps_suite#advanced). The possibility to disable lang switching on a per-app-basis will come in the next release.
One more problem...
Thanks, working!
One more problem... Now it sets Russian translation and Russian settings too (not needed, I'm using Ukrainian settings).
Launcher Problem
... will be fixed soon.
Try this please:
*Close LibreOfficePortable
*edit App/AppInfo/LibreOfficePortable.ini
*change [FileWrite7] to #[FileWrite7]
*Start LibreOfficePortable and set the system local settings again to Ukrain.
* LibreOfficePortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\LibreOfficePortable.ini
Thats the right path ...
... of the ini
Did it work for You?
Why is LibreOffice running so slow on USB compared to OOo?
Why exactly is LibreOffice running so slow on USB compared to OOo? Is it a problem being worked on?
Improvement to come I'm sure
Did you not see the suggestions posted in the other thread? It's not a silver bullet but apparently they might help. I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect some teething troubles for an app's first official release (portable or otherwise) even if it is a fork.
Thanks for the link, it sure
Thanks for the link, it sure did help.
I didn't complain about anything, so...
Changing "My Documents"
In my installation (even after when I patched it to 3.3.2) I cannot change "Tools\Options\LibreOffice-Paths\My Documents" It is always set back to "C:\Documents" after restart. I also tried modifying "LibreOfficePortable\Data\settings\user\registrymodifications.xcu" manually. But that doesn't help it eiter...
Any idea? Thx in advance!
(btw: Why is there still no new PA-istaller for 3.3.2?)
Bloated size of LibreOffice
What am I missing? LO may be new to me, but I am no beginner in portability. LO seems to be massively overweight with multi-megatons of language files that no single user could possibly require. LO really should be offered in TWO flavors; one with all the useless (to me) language supports, and the other for the overwhelming preference for English-Only. All these hundreds of language files are located in such diverse locations creating a huge headache to try deleting them all for the minimal size it could be. I found a cryptic mention of a BATCH file, but it does NOT get all the useless language support.
Installer Option
You can download the Multilingual Normal package which has fewer languages included. And then use the installer option to remove extra languages. It'll remove everything except English if you set the installer to English, shrinking your install size to around 220MB.
Note that you can not currently access this installer mode when installing via the PortableApps.com Platform, but will be able to soon.