fre:ac Portable 1.0.18 (audio converter and encoder) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on April 4, 2011 - 3:45pm

logofre:ac Portable 1.0.18 has been released as a multilingual package. fre:ac Portable is the popular fre:ac packaged as a portable app, so you extract, convert, and encode your audio files just about anywhere you go. fre:ac is the new name of BonkEnc. BonkEnc Portable users can uninstall BonkEnc and install this. The MP3 plugin is an optional component in this release. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free. Read on for more details...

Update automatically in the Platform 2.0 Beta 5 by clicking 'Check for Updates'.


BonkEnc Portable Screenshotfre:ac is a free/open source audio extracter, encoder, and converter. You can use fre:ac to extract audio files from CDs, encode and reencode audio files to a lower bitrate, and convert audio files to and from various formats, including:

  • MP3
  • Ogg Vorbis
  • MP4/AAC
  • FLAC
  • And more...

Learn more about fre:ac... Installer / Format

fre:ac Portable is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


fre:ac Portable is available for immediate download from the fre:ac Portable homepage. Get it today!

Story Topic:


The MP3 plugin for fre:ac is not bundled by default due to patent issues in some countries but is available from the fre:ac Portable homepage.

The plug-in was linked on the page when v1.17 was released, but the link is not there with this new version, and it isn't in the SourceForge folder either:

(Only the v1.17 version)

I used to have a sig...until one of the mods ate it

John T. Haller's picture

That text in the description was included accidentally. The update is already in the announcement paragraph where it says that the MP3 plugin is an optional component, meaning it's optional as you install.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Thanks for the clarification John.


I used to have a sig...until one of the mods ate it