We're happy to announce that our full set of legacy portable app packages is now available in the PortableApps.com Platform's App Store. As apps continue to drop support for 32-bit Windows and legacy versions of Windows, we've been creating legacy packages to make apps available as broadly as possible. That way, a Windows 7 or Windows 10 32-bit user can still easily download and install the last compatible version of the Krita sketch and painting app since the current version requires Windows 8.1/10/11 64-bit. And it's automatic. The Platform will show you the appropriate apps for your current version of Windows by default, and you can select to view all of them in Options.
We've already created over 70 legacy app packages which are now available in the PortableApps.com Platform app store as well as on the site. Apps like Audacity, darktable, draw.io, LibreOffice, Sigil, and more. And we have over a dozen more that will be coming over the next month. If there's a legacy version of one of our apps you'd like to see, you can request it in the forum thread.
This new set of releases bring the total number of app channels available in the PortableApps.com Platform to nearly 600 which takes up about 70GB if all installed. Each channel release can include a set of up to 39 separate packages in the case of an app like Firefox which has separate packages for each language. Fun fact, if you count all the language packages of Firefox in all the available channels (stable, beta, ESR, nightly, legacy, etc), there are currently 232 different packages of Firefox available in both the platform's App Store and on the website.
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