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Windows XP/Vista/7/8/32-bit Compatible Apps Available and Requested

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 18 min 18 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/32-bit Compatible Apps Available and Requested

I'm working on adding legacy builds of our officially-released apps that have dropped support for Windows XP, Vista, or 7 to the base app homepages. The goal is to make them easier to find for folks on legacy systems. I'm listing out completed packages and packages that are being researched and built below. The packages are designed to install alongside your main app installs and won't be updated to the latest version - breaking compatibility with your legacy OS - by the PA.c Platform. We don't need copies of any of the apps listed, thanks.

If you know of an app that needs to be added, please make a comment with the app and last working version or first non-working version if you know them. Or a close enough version but please indicate this. There's a thread on PFC that may have some info to assist us, too. We have access to old versions we've packaged and don't need help finding downloads unless indicated.

I've added fallback support for Windows XP and Vista to our download mirror setup for all apps we host. The platform will also detect if an unofficial TLS 1.2 patch has been applied and use it. I put together a Root Certificate Updates For Legacy Windows (Vista, XP, 2000) package and instructions on Github to allow legacy users to update to current certificates and support for Let's Encrypt. I also put together an instruction set and reg update to Enable TLS 1.1/1.2 on Windows Vista. Additionally, there is which reverse engineers the old Windows Update system for legacy Windows allowing you to install all available updates as well as server updates in addition to updating certificates. Neither nor I are affiliated with this or can speak to its security but it seems to work well in my testing.

I'll remove comments as they are added to this list. And I may eventually build a suite of apps for these older versions of Windows depending on time and interest. Thanks for your help!

Windows Legacy Versions Available On Site And PA.c Platform App Store

Windows Legacy Versions To Be Built (Including Last Working or First Non-Working)

  • -

Upcoming/Possible Windows Legacy Versions

  • Electron-based apps updated to version 23 (Chromium 110) require Windows 10/11
Last seen: 5 hours 2 min ago
Joined: 2019-07-19 07:09
Attribute Changer 8.70

Attribute Changer 8.70
Just for information, ↑↑ is the latest version supporting Windows XP SP3 & Vista

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

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