I am thinking about this PortableApps.com thing
I use it on a 4 Gb usb drive.
Now I have made all the apps translated into danish and I am wondering about one thing.
I saw this discussion: https://portableapps.com/node/4480
where a company will redistribute the portableapps.com along with some other software - but its missing one point.
Can I sell the package translated into danish and packed with the software the single user require ( from the whole suite to just a few apps)
off course the apps will be unmodified exept for translation.
"all" i want is just a small fee for the time I use to select and install applications for the user - so its basiclly a fee for my time spend, not for any of the software included.
who should I contact to about this in order to get a proper permissiom on this topic?
Maybe the owner of PortableApps.com should get a 'small' fee for every application he makes portable.
It's seems unfair to charge people for 'picking and choosing' some software.
But, I s'pose the address under 'Application Distribution' on the Contact Us page would be a good start.
But I believe you can charge distribution fees with GPL Licensed apps. However PortableApps.com and the Mozilla Apps are trademaked.
No one can charge anybody else anything for a program. However, the distribution of that program can be charged (i.e. a CD, flash drive, S&H, etc.). Also, it seems that the only way to distribute Mozilla apps is in the binary form (not installed yet).
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