its basically the same as command prompt portable but its for use at school cause they always use this software to get the titles of stuff every 5 minutes and sometimes take screenshots to monitor us, so using notepad mode will make it look more like ms notepad and p will activate panic mode by typing up a nice essay on a midsummer nights dream and playin casual...
here be the license.
gimme some slack, this is my first program ever, i started teaching myself c++ the day before i made this.
heres the source
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int command(); int getmode(); int main() { system("autorun.bat"); getmode(); } int command() { char cmd[1024]; cout>choice; if (choice == 1) { system("title Command Prompt"); system("cls"); system("cmd"); } else if (choice == 2) { system("@echo off"); system("color F0"); system("title Untitled - Notepad"); system("@echo on"); system("cls"); command(); } else { system("cls"); cout tis c++ compiled in dev c++ you can set what code it runs on start. this is under autorun.bat in the same directory and p.bat is the code for panic mode. to take away the press any key to continue just take out the pause at the end.
Downloaded this, it's pretty funny! - Although I don't think that I'd ever use it..
I'm not sure why it's in beta testing, seems like it should go in off topic.
Nice. Very nice.
Patrick, with his ridiculous programs...
Yea eh.
I don't use real software, I just play with WinPenguins all day. 
WinPenguins, or WinPenguins Portable?
To be considered seriously around here, you should post your source code with the compiled binary, preferably releasing it under GPL. You would also need to make sure you aren't infringing on someone else's copyright.
Have you tried this on the locked down computers at school?
What do you hope to be able to do with this at school?
To be considered seriously around here, you should post your source code with the compiled binary, preferably releasing it under GPL. You would also need to make sure you aren't infringing on someone else's copyright.
meh. you have the source now. be happy.
Have you tried this on the locked down computers at school?
there not too locked down at my school but they dont let you use run,task manager,anything under c:\windows, etc. the notepad mode should work whether or not command prompt is disabled because it emulates it but is not it.
What do you hope to be able to do with this at school?
shutdown every computer in the network. you should have seen the looks on their faces XD
this is the only command prompt at school that works on our student account
and ours are really locked down, not only are they we blocked out of the C:\widows file it does not let us even see the list of drives. there are many other programs to block us as well.
only this in "ninja mode" was allowed
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
oh sweet. actually i only called it ninja command cause it sounded cool but this works too XD
This can should be fixed by changeing the "cmd" under choice one, to "". That is how I'm able to access command prompt at my school, with a batch file and
Nice program by the way.
you plan to release this under an open source license I would love to include this in my suites.
Also with the panic mode try to make it so the text "Press any Key to continue" does not appear or something.
I like the panic mode
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Awesome program... I kinda wish I could use this program though.... I have no use for it now....
ok this is basically a disguise for using command line on school computers. lol funny
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
Seems interesting. Great for a first program.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
thanks for the comments and thanks to ryan for whatever he did with the code to fix it *is clueless*
It gave it the scrollbar and border.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
oh fancy
Tristiano, one minor problem with your source.
Your include directives have gone walk-about.
If I'm right (and if I add these in the source, it certainly compiles properly in Dev-C++), it should read:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
If you just post as-is, you lose everything between angle brackets (< and >).
Use "<" for <, and ">" for > in your post (don't include the quote marks).
That should fix it up.
Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night?
A: Stay awake and wonder if there's a dog.
thx i didnt notice that.
The only thing i have to say is YOU ARE A GOD.
Thanks for this program.
Confusing... I put different include directives... but it still works?
Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night?
A: Stay awake and wonder if there's a dog.
It will no doubt save my arse sometime before I graduate.
Is there anyway to get rid of/change the icon that appears in the top left corner?
Please Make TiLP Portable
A good idea for your app, would be to add an icon for the program. Then it would look better in the menu.
i would but whenever i did it it didnt seem to work. maybe its cause im running devc++ from my flash drive XD. no icons seemed to work. if someone gave me one id put it in. or at least try.
then i can add it to your program
thanks again for this program
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
i would if i had an icon
i am not that great at it but i can give it a shot
if anyone else has an icon or are willing to make an icon
please say so
post or email
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
here is a link to the updated program
EDIT: new update now works on limited with either mode:}
ok is this ok with the OP that i am making these changes?
also i dont know how to do the NSIS so i can't do that
copy files form defaultdata to data
call files from data directory
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
I sent you an icon, Powerjuce. Check your email.
hey all here is the next version
EDIT:I know this is not my program or license so it is not up to me
I also added the correct folder structure will create a Data folder
i will need some help with the p function because it is now in the data folder
I am going to stop with these updates until Tristiano77 says its ok to continue
Edit2: It was okayed so here is the new version
now the panic function will work in the notepad(ninja) mode.
it will automatically create a Data Folder with the necessary files.
Any bugs/problems please inform/post.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
you may continue if i didnt tell you that already.
the license that needs to be in this program, do you want it to be the one posted or the one in all the other portable apps?
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
link down.... can you repost (unless this isnt the link you were talking about)
Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
Network + Certified
aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)
but that will be later 2nite
for now though all you need is the NinjaCommand program and the data folder with the two batch files (with the new one).
Please search before posting. ~Thanks