I've developed a small tool to make portable application with delphi program language,now put it here with all source.
You can extract the TestPortable dir to your usb disk PortableApps dir (if you installed PortbleApps,you will find it easily),now restart your StartPortableApps.exe,you will find the new app in your PortableApps menu.
If you want to make your own portable app,you just need open the config.ini with notepad, then change the 'AppPath=app/test.exe' string to the your app's path and name,just like 'AppPath=Foxmail/foxmail.exe',and rename the testPortable.exe to the name you want to be shown in PortableApps menu, just ok, it's very easy.
But you must be sure the program you place is a green soft, a green soft means the soft no need to install or setup, many times it must be a single .exe file,or some file in a directory.
I put the source here, it's a very simple program ,and want to get more discuss with it,my email:candylight@gmail.com
I don't know how to upload the files here,so put the links below:
Files download
Source Files : http://www.zyea.com/blog/attachments/month_0711/h2007111311227.rar
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Build a easy tool to make portable app (delphi source included)
November 12, 2007 - 10:05pm
Build a easy tool to make portable app (delphi source included)
Offhand this doesn't sound like making an app 'portable', just a nice way to display it in the menu. A couple other projects like this have been offered to.