Hey John,
I did the tutorial on johnhaller.com to make portable firefox look like internet explorer, and in the adress input area there is a large gray tab on the right. I assume that this is for feeds, how do I remove it? Any help given would be appreciated.
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Gray Tab?
March 2, 2006 - 7:17pm
Gray Tab?
Wow, not even one comment? Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Any help would be nice. Everyone must hate me for trying to make pff look like ie lol
lol, no I don't think that anyone hates you. I'm just not sure there are a whole lot of people who do it, that's all. Try Google. Thats what usually solves all my problems.
ya thats wut ill prolly do. i just want it to look as close to ie as possible so it isnt obvious at school.
Post a picture so we can see what you are talking about.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Hmmm. My dislike of IE had clouded the potential advantadges of having FF look like IE.
Ah, well.
And yes, a picture might help; if I get a chance later, I'll try it myself and see what happens.
Ok, I'll try to post a pic tomorrow.