Using a u3 device there is an application that will change your wallpaper when you insert the device and then change it back when you take it out. is it possible to do this using the portable apps suite (Menu, not sure if that's it right name)
Becuase that has always been a pretty usefull utility.
as well as enabling the menu to launch applications upon insertion or along with the menu. i know this is probably possible by editing the Autorun.inf file but i've yet to try and i'm sure it would be usefull for people not as knowlable with computers as the rest of us.
Get the PAM beta, it has that feature.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
It's built into the Platform (no need for a 3rd party app to do it). Just be sure you're running the latest Platform 1.1 Beta. Details are on that page.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I was about to post a reply

I type too slow
Question though, I was going to say you "could" try the 1.1 Beta. If it is so stable that we can just tell people to use it maybe it shouldn't be beta at this point? Perhaps RC, as "beta" can look scary to a newbie.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
The current Beta is actually preferable to the 1.0.x releases as it is more stable and has less issues for all users. Perhaps we'll push out a 1.1 of it this week since it will be a few weeks before the additional features will be stable.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That'd be sweet.
Yeah, sure
You know that You're already running PAM/PAS/PAP SuperUberAdvancedUltraBeta 2.354.2694 Mod 16.3b
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I wish!
*shifty eyes*
Funny. *shifty eyes*
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I think we should get 1.1 out as the public release, since It Actually Works™ and it has so many more features. It Rocks.™ It Just Does.™
The preceding comment was sponsored and paid for by the Australian Trademark Party.™ They Rock.™
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thanks for that. i honestly didn't spot it, Silly me.
John, I was wondering...
since you're already making a wallpaper changer as a part of the upcoming PAM, do you think you could release a small .exe which would do the same for people who don't use PAM?
I mean, no offense, I have the greatest amount of respect for you, and your fabulous work here. In fact, I use your apps on a daily basis.
However, I kinda use PStart instead of PAM, since it works better for me. (not to say that PAM isn't a fine piece of software, I just prefer PStart, for some odd reason.) and it seems kind of weird for me to install the whole PA Menu just to use the wallpaper changer.
Now I know that you're a busy guy, and I totally understand if you're unable to do this
Please Make TiLP Portable
I suppose... GET HIM JOHN! *blows dog whistle*
Seriously though, use the menu or I'll have to sic John on you. Or Patrick. Or Steve. Or myself. Nah, screw it, just John
(Patrick would be worse
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."