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Portabelize - Make INI driven application portable

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Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-11 05:01
Portabelize - Make INI driven application portable

I am no professional programmer but some time ago I needed to run an old INI driven application from USB drive and I got tired of updating the INI file each time I launched the program so I decided to write a little helper for that.
Portabelize is a utility for launching ini file controlled applications from USB drives.
Mode of operation is very simple, if an applicaton needs to get information regaring drive letter or application path of the USB drive then Portabelize retrieves it and writes it to application ini. For doing that there are two "path tags" and that can be used in source data.

The program itself is written in VB6 (so it's stoneage but it works even in Vista).

Short description how it works is in the sample ini file and source code is included in ZIP.