Hi All.
Im from Spain and have just met on this web and there seem to me to be very interesting and extremely useful the applications that here they present.
A great and useful idea looks like to me the power to take your own programs to any place without having to install them in every computer in that you want to use them.
Ill be looking for all the innovations that are going out and though not much of the topic i wanted to do a contribution to them, i dont know if it will be in the concept of "portableapps".
I use the " Remote Administrator v2.1 " to accede to my computer from any place, and there is a form of being able to take the program without having to install and be able to use it in any computer.
You can copy the files "radmin.exe" and the "AdmDll.dll" inside the portable device.
Then from any computer, simply clicking the executable file, we will be able to connect with our remote computer, without need to install the program in the computer from which we connect.
I dont know if this was damaging what It is illegal to modify and redistribute commercial says with regard to ", or closed source software. We do not support or tolerate that around here. " I believe that not and I believe that it(he,she) can be of help for some users.
As I say, ill be looking for all the innovations and closely follow this page.
A greeting.
Remote Administrator is closed source, so it would be illegal to modify or repackage it in any way and redistribute it.
There are several free open source alternatives, of course, like VNC. There are a couple portable packages of it floating around the forums.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
OK, Thanks. But you dont have to modify anything, just copy the two files.
Ill try the VNC, thans for the answer.
the new 3.1 version of the viewer is free and works portably, just download and unzip. It works with the 2x version of the server as well.
I keep a copy on my flash drive.
The 2x version you would have to create a launcher for as it stores its settings in the registry.
"Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.'" (A Few Good Men)
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.(Albert Einstein)