I'm looking to make this software portable to help me study while away from my PC. I think many other people would be able to make use of this program as well. Can anyone please help?
Program: CueCard 1.5
License: Free
Description: Flash card program used to study anything.
Website: http://www.download.com/CueCard/3000-2051_4-10075304.html?tag=lst-1
Just a tip: when suggesting an App, giving a download.com web site is not the same as giving the web site for the application. In this case, the application's web site is in fact http://www.wadeb.com/cuecard/ .
There is source code available on that page (one of the current prerequisites), but there are a number of issues that require research. It does look like it works well without being installed other than storing your preferences in the registry. You could try it out by making a folder such as \PortableApps\CueCard and copying the cuecard.exe to it.