Name: PA Splash Setting
Description: This is a tool that will allow users to control the enabled/disabled status of the splash screens. Users can manage each app individually or apply a batch setting to all apps or a group of apps.
License: GPL
Warning! Only for advanced users!
Could cause problems, if you are not familiar with the *portable.ini Files.
I high-speed coded a little and simple proggi to manage the splash screens (set them on or off, single or all together) for my private use and decide to post it here.
I'm a autodidact in coding. So please don't expect professional code.
It worked for me on:
Portable Apps:
Firefox, Thunderbird, 7zip, audacity, eraser, openoffice, pidgin, sudoku, workrave.
Its important, that the apps are in the same root-folder.
Yes! Please post it. I wouldn't have much use for it, but I'm certain that many other users will. It's an excellent idea, I especially like the fact that you chose Delphi so it would be easier to possibly integrate with the PAM.
You've been a member for 5 days and are already trying to take charge, and seem to have a good grasp of how things work here, great job!
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I'm a autodidact in coding. So please don't expect professional code. I would be happy, if someone can improve the program or write a new, better one
You can do anything u want with the code...
And of course i can not guarantee for anything.
Anyway, it worked for me:
Portable Apps:
Firefox, Thunderbird, 7zip, audacity, eraser, openoffice, pidgin, sudoku, workrave.
Its important, that the apps are in the same root-folder.
Looks good.
May I recommend editing your main topic to give a more descriptive title or at least remove the question mark from the end of it. Also include a detailed description of the app, the download link, and license it under the GPL so it could possibly be merged with PAM. To license it, just put a copy of the GPL somewhere in your app's directory structure (either with source or the app itself).
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
...and done. thx for the advice
Looks good. Maybe be a little bit more clear on what your app does. You and I know what it does, others can figure it out, but for new users, its best to make your description as detailed as possible, people are usually more interested if it is obvious what a certain tool will do.
Maybe something like this:
Name: [Application Name]
Description: This is a tool that will allow users to control the enabled/disabled status of the splash screens. Users can manage each app individually or apply a batch setting to all apps or a group of apps.
License: GPL
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
The 'PortableSource' folder has been replaced in the latest paf format by just 'Source' (i.e. Other\FirefoxPortableSource is now Other\Source). This change happened in October of 2007 if I remember right, so anything newer than that will have the new folder.
Line 202 of your source would need to be changed to deal with this folder. Or if you want to support old and new apps, you'd need to add a separate check for the new folder.
This one's on the picky side..
Not all apps support the DisableSplashScreen ini option. For example, GIMPPortable and GnuCashPortable both integrate the splash graphic with the app's loading window, which can't be turned off. It looks like your program would correctly not add the line, but as a side effect it will still copy the ini file and/or overwrite an existing one with no changes made. It might be cleaner to do a check on the Other\Source ini file to see if it includes the DisableSplashScreen option and if it doesn't, bail out.
Otherwise, great work!
formerly rayven01
Just be sure to make clear that it's not recommended or supported for non-advanced users. Using INI files is only recommended for advanced users who understand what they do. Using an INI file will turn off certain automatic features in some apps which may impact performance. And users are expected to check INI files on upgrades when new features are added (the launcher and installer will not do this).
Additionally, the example INI files in the Source directory are not always updated and are not guaranteed to be error-free (I'm pretty sure at least one currently released app has a few errors in it). They're designed to serve as examples only, to be read by a human being and moved/adjusted to meet their needs.
So, while this may be handy for a subset of advanced users, it isn't recommended and won't be supported for average/normal users.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
thanks for your advice!
of course it would be a lot easier, if you add an parameter-switch for the loaders.
Like "firefoxportable.exe /nosplash". That would be cool!
That would be good. Then, it would be a simple addition to the menu to have all apps with no splashes.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I see that the Browse dialog displays in German, is there a way to make it detect the default system language? Or maybe you could include a few different languages or something like that. Other than that and what rayven01 suggested, it looks good, nice job.
EDIT: Oh and you could call your app PASSED - PortableApps Splash Screen Enable/Disable
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Yes, and I think it would REALLY be easy to implement it. Or maybe not?
But other posts on this forum, gave me a slight feeling, that an easy option for setting splash might be not wanted by the developers... I hope I'm wrong.
P.S. I will work on the proposed changes for my mini-map in the next days. I'm just waiting if some other things come up... Thanks for the feedback.
It would work easily for launchers which already get parameters, but the rest would need the code added.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."