I have just stumbled upon PuTTY Connection Manager, an application which allows having multiple tabs, i. e. simultaneous PuTTY sessions open at the same time.
I am wondering whether this useful piece of application can be provided within a portable application?
I see one problem: PuTTY Connection Manager needs Microsoft's .NET Framework installed on the computer. Maybe a portable installation routine could check whether the framework is installed and, if so, display a question whether it should be installed or not. Just an idea.
If it's not possible, here's the link for you PuTTYers:
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PuTTY Connection Manager
February 2, 2008 - 9:44am
PuTTY Connection Manager
Unfortunately this is freeware and doesn't have an Open Source license. Also the license it does have is fairly restrictive (no commercial use, no re-distribution and oddly enough no adding additional languages!).
formerly rayven01
as it requires Microsoft's .NET Framework, it can't be made to work effectively as a portable app since there are still lots of computers out there without the .NET Framework.
What about SuperPutty? It's open source.
I just uploaded the SuperPuttyPortable SuperPuttyPortable.
It needs the .NET Framework 2.0 or newer to work, I just assumed that it's available in the PC running the app.
Ok great!
is this app dead? is there any possibility to have it fully working?