I'm wanting to turn an app portable but i'm not sure what the process is. Do I edit parts of the source code and compile it, or use that portable app template or what. It shouldn't be too hard since this app only writes to Application Data and some log file in system32.
To Make A Portable App You Need NSIS, The Template
* The App You Want To Make Portable Will Tell You What Kind Of Template You Need..
ex) just reg keys - try 7-zip portable template.
And You Need To Know Where The App Puts EVERYTHING!!!!!! AHHHHHHH LOL (reg keys, application data, etc.....) (i think thats what the source code is for but i never use it really :|)
just google NSIS and Edit The Template You Want To Use
Drag It In NSIS and if everything works right, u have the launcher and its now portable
(assuming u got everything)
oh and note it must be an open source application
Na na na, come on!
The source code for the "launcher" is included with each release. Pick a recent one. I think SumatraPDF is pretty simple and relatively up to date. Install NSIS and the plugins needed and see if you can compile the one you are working on without changes (e.g. SumatraPdfPortable.nsi). Once the tools are there to compile an existing one, you can take it and change things in it to see how they work.
If you just want to make something for your own use, there are a couple of templates that help with that.
There are some pointers at http://cubegames.net/development/beginners