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Beta Testing Forum Guidelines, Dev Test Post Template, Regshot How-To

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Beta Testing Forum Guidelines, Dev Test Post Template, Regshot How-To

The Beta Testing Forum is used to provide test versions of applications that aren't yet ready for wide use, but could use the input of willing participants to test them out to hammer out any bugs, as well as offer comments and criticisms of the application so the developers can make changes before widespread public release.

Any developers may post beta testing notices here whether their apps are hosted by or not. But these should be legitimate beta tests only, not an attempt to drive traffic to your own site.

All posts should, of course, follow all the rules in the Forum Guidelines.

When posting development tests, please follow the Development Test Forum Template.

When doing a regshot, please follow the Regshot use and posting guidelines.