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UPXcmd Portable Dev Test 1 [Testers Wanted]

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Joined: 2007-12-13 01:58
UPXcmd Portable Dev Test 1 [Testers Wanted]

I was looking for a gui for UPX on SourceForge and found UPXcmd. It had been been set up a as .paf.exe back in September, so I decided to try it out.

Turns out it wasn't really PAF compliant as we are using today, so I set about redoing it to make it so.

From the author's readme:
UPXcmd is an open source GUI (Graphical User Interface) for excellent
executable packer, UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables,

UPXcmd package contains a new program, UPXcmd DropBox. Dropbox allows
you to compress your files by dragging them to an always on top window.
DropBox uses UPXcmd main program's settings for processing.

I created launchers for both UPXcmd and UPXcmdDropBox.

Dev Test 1 is here:
MD5: 409b7e13e6afa7f95eaf0a76315bd82e
Installer Size: 1.25 mb
Installed Size: 1.64 mb
Installed Size on disc: 1.73 mb