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FileZilla: Include Link to older version on App-page

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Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-27 06:47
FileZilla: Include Link to older version on App-page

I just noticed that FileZilla was available so I thought I'd give it a try. Interface looked nifty but then I realized that the support for SOCKS-proxies is non-existant.
Which is a real pity, I really need that feature along with some other features which aren't supported (yet).[1]

Anyways, there are a couple of errors in FileZilla's portable app-page[2]:

1) "Features: It supports [...] SOCKS4/5 and HTTP1.1 support [...]"
-> Not true for this version.
2) The "Learn more about FileZilla..."-link still points to the old 2.2.x documentation. (which still mentions SOCKS-support for instance...)
3) Support page[3]: Sections "Known Issues" and "Changelog" incomplete.

And a request: Is it possible to include the download link to the last version of the 2.2-tree? I had to fall back to that version, I bet that a lot of people had to do the same.

Hope that helps,


Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-08-27 13:35
Having a link to the

Having a link to the previous 2.x series makes a lot of sense, since the 3.x series doesn't seem to be mature.

Just for information, though, the SourceForge project page for PortableApps has all of the previous releases.


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