Hi everybody,
i have a question, i need a launcher (paf format) for Truecrypt.
i have found this (http://www.f2ko.de/English/b2e/index.php) wonderful App that create a exe from a bat file.
and now i need a nsis (if it possible) launcher that start a window (like Xampp) with the option (Button) "Mount Drive" "Unmount Drive" and when i click this buttons it open the Mount.exe and Unmount.exe. But after clicking the Launcher stays available in the Tray.... (Like Xampp) is this possible???
Thanks and regards
Ps and when you exit this launcher its automatically start the Unmount.exe
Yes it is possible. Since Mount.exe and Unmount.exe are .bat files converted to .exe could you post the contents of them? You might not need them at all, you could have nsis or whatever language your launcher was written in send the commands directly to TrueCrypt. I might be able to write a program to do that, but I don't know how to make a .paf installer.
I think that computers run on smoke. Why? Because when the smoke comes out they don't work anymore!
paf installer is for the first time not important.
you will create an app what sent the parameters directly to Truycrypt.exe so that i dont need the mount.exe and unmount.exe? than need this app an option button too. to set the drive letter and an option to set the crypt container.....
her the mount.bat code:
TrueCrypt.exe /lx /q /a /c n /m rm /v containerxy.blabla
x is the driveletter
here the unmount.bat code:
TrueCrypt.exe /d /q /f
you are using AutoIt???
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I mainly use AutoHotKey, IMHO it has more features and options.
Ok so 'x' is the drive letter, are the rest of the other parameters options?.
TrueCrypt.exe /lx /q /a /c n /m rm /v containerxy.blabla
Where does the .bat file pass the password to truecrypt? Does it pop up a prompt asking for it? Or do you send these parameters to TrueCrypt and then truecrypt asks for password?
Perhaps it would just be easier to just make a launcher for the mount and unmount programs.
Well I'll do whatever one you would like, it's up to you.
I think that computers run on smoke. Why? Because when the smoke comes out they don't work anymore!
Sorry for the late response, it was a hard party weekend but now im back...
i send these parameters to truecrypt and then came e popup window for asking password.
for me it was ok when you create only a launcher that start after pressing the button Mount or Unmount the Mount.exe or rather the Unmount.exe.
but the launcher must minimized to the tray, and when i click on unmount or pressing the little X the launcher close and start automatically the Unmount.exe (is it ok when the launcher ask before close and start the Unmont.exe?).
thanks for your time and work
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Where is the BluePlanet??? *Look around* i can only see the Moon...

Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I've been really busy at work lately. I haven't even had the time to get online for the past week.
I'll see if I can work on the program sometime soon. (Hopefully today)
I think that computers run on smoke. Why? Because when the smoke comes out they don't work anymore!
My Generic Portable Launcher supports mounting a truecrypt volume on the next available free driveletter, starts an app in the mounted volume and after the app closes it will unmount the volume. (I used this launcher for some recently posted game launchers)
The only disadvantage is that it needs admin rights to be used. It also has a feature to define an alternative when no admin rights are available. Example of the INI file I use: