Welcome To The New Forum Page. Please Help Me Solve My Friends Computer Issue.
Moved As Requested By Patrick Patience.
my friend is having an issue, yahoo messenger wont open her links when she clicks them. so i created an NSIS app that will open internet explore with the link she clicked.
after creating a NSIS Laucher, when she clicks on the links in yahoo messenger, internet explore lauches (well at least it launched :)) but the page she clicked on
doesnt appear, just her homepage. and i need the page she clicked opened.
so can u guys help me here?
i need a code to allow my laucher to open the link clicked. ty for your help all
you portableapp'ers out there Smiling
Ahh, sorry, I didn't understand your post. I'll have something up for you today.
This should do it -
it works. i will tell my friend that u did the open IE with link part.
she will be happy.
Na na na, come on!
I'm glad it worked for you!