Phoenix DoSS is a file-streaming/downloading program that finds the files using well-known search engines Google and Yahoo!. It is not the same as other programs because it runs through these engines, which is safer than downloading via P2P. It uses an Internet Explorer core with auto-proxy support. Phoenix DoSS is best used with Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Media Player 11 installed, and can run in all Windows operating systems from Windows 98 to Vista (i.e., not in Windows 95 or earlier).
P.S. sorry but this has to be done the hard way EX:then it ask for path "(drive letter):\PortableApps\Phoenixdossportable then refresh apps icon
a Windows executable and a .bat file in the folder, that's all?? Why is it not in the PAF-Format? And where are the sources of the Programm? when i look on their page i see all, but no sources, cause the programm is all, but no OpenSource, it seems to be freeware.
*lol*), but the first two things i got where two Errors about missing files,...
Second thing: the executable is taken from a installed programm - it is on their page only available as an .msi-installer packet, so i'm sure it will leave a bunch of registry entrys and files on the host system. Unfortunately i haven't monitored it, when i clicked on the .exe (but I've made a virus scan before
Sorry, that i have to say it, but it seems, that you have not understand the priciples and system behind the Portable Apps that are discussed on this site and forum. The Sense of John's PAF-System is to take a Software that is normally NOT portable in a portble system, so that you can take it with you on a usb-stick or whatever and that it leaves no traces in the registry or the file-system on the Host-PC, where you've used it.
And the sense in only taking OpenSource is for legal reasons, if you take some freeware or software that is based on an other license you need the permission of the copyrightholders, to distribute it in any other way than they do.
And i think to take only the executable of an installed app is against their license,...
Sorry for some hard words, but it is like it is,...
To tell the truth I made the program using VB6 (if anyone would like the code just ask). Why I put it as a portable app is do to the size and the IE core EX: If your school,work,ect. uses IE and has a proxy runing for it then Phoenix DoSS will know it. As for the 2 error one says the file is not found and the other says it remade the file to fix the error. Also the license is the GNU GPL.
P.S. Why is it not in PAF-format? Because am still learning the installer. but as so as I know how to make it it will be in that format.
try the link..