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RDTools update for Vista compatibility

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RDTools update for Vista compatibility

RDTools is an app to create Desktop, Start Menu, and SendTo shortcuts written by Hank7 and hosted by Ryan McCue -

I found out the SendTo shortcuts don't work quite right on Vista, so I fixed it. Here's the updated binary and source -

RDTools Update

Moreover, I suggest anyone writing apps or portable launchers take care when using Windows special shell folders (ie SendTo, My Documents, etc). These folders take on new paths in Vista with some junction points in between. The usual method of reading environment variables can sometimes return the junction point. This *can* break some functionality (ie being able to create SendTo shortcuts, but not being able to delete them) depending how the path is retrieved. According to Vista, one should use the SHGetFolderPath or SHGetKnownFolderPath WinAPI functions.