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Perfect Portable Enviroment

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LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
Perfect Portable Enviroment

Well, almost perfect...

I'm using some applications that make my Portable Experience more streamlined. Some applications that are not necessarily are needed for PAM but make it more useful. Most if not all have been discussed in this forum and can be found here. Although it makes me wish I could have them more integrated into the PAM itself...

The user plugs in the Portable drive...

- Memory scanner: The first thing that happens is a scan of the memory for viruses. Set to scan only once a day or so.

- CAFE Mod: When I click a file it opens with a portable app if available. With the extensions already set up for the portable apps. For example, if I click any html file it opens in FireFox-Portable. Doubleclicking an archive opens up 7Zip-Portable, an media file opens VLC-Portable etc.

- BlackBox: to have a personal Desktop (plus background image / wallpaper) and virtual desktops. Although this is overkill as I only need the desktop, it also skins the windows etc.

- RocketDock: with very small icons to have direct access to some folders and apps.

- Menu: One of the Portable Menus as start menu.

- Truecrypt for some applications with a TrueCrypt container per app. And optionally when Administrator rights are not available it starts an non encrypted version with no settings or account details. My launcher still needs to be extended to detect TrueCrypt installed (so no admin rights are necessary) and users with rights to use TrueCrypt even when they are not Administrator.

I am thinking about putting some apps together in a PortableAppsSystem/App folder as they might not be necessary to show up in the PortableApps menu as well. I'm still pondering about it wether or not I would like some apps not to show up, and for the time being I have most of them also in the menu.

It's not perfect yet.. but already a useful Portable System.

I'm still hoping for a replacement for a portable desktop, something that shows the contents of a PortableAppsDesktop folder like the standard desktop without changing the host PC. (Just a background window with image and icons, shortcuts etc.) I know MicroSoft wants to make StartKey like taking your desktop on the road, but I'm sure they will hook deeply int any windows they come across, changing things on the host. I'm sure they will change the hosts settings and leave lots of info behind on the host (on purpose?).

If someone has more suggestions what a Portable Apps System could use as standard I would be very glad to hear them.