One of the reasons that you can really fall in love with this site and it's programs are that they are (virtually) completely independent from the system files on whichever computer you are using, whether it is public or your own. I have noticed that there is one major flaw in Firefox Portable when it comes to this: Adobe Flashplayer cannot be installed on your USB drive so that it will work with Firefox Portable. It will generally install right into the program files (which we all know is often inaccessible, depending on the location), therefore making it almost impossible to upgrade without getting user administration privileges. If there is already a solution to this problem, somebody please post an answer to this. Otherwise, this would be a great feature to have: portable plugins that integrate with portable applications.
But why oh why would you want to do it
Short Version:
Put these two files:
NPSWF32.dll and flashplayer.xpt
the NPSWF32.dll is required, I'm not sure about flashplayer.xpt
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
ironically I also manually copied the player files to the plugin folder. But please be aware of the following:
Some sites store data from flash locally. If you want to make sure there will be no files put on the computer if you use the portable version of FF, right click and choose settings on any flash shown on a site. Set local storage to 0.
Some sites might depend on being able to write settings to the PC.
These files saved by Flash files are beyond any control of Portable Apps.
Did you read the whole Topic I linked to
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I read the short version. I just happen to know this was the case.