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Portable Apps, Root, and Windows

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Tim Clark
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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Portable Apps, Root, and Windows

Portable Apps, Root, and Windows.

In a recent post the question of where to put portable apps on a hard drive came up.
It seems to me that the ideal place would be:


If this were the case it seems that they could easily be transfered to and from different portable drives and hard drives with no difficulties involved.

C:\PortableApps\... HARD
D:\PortableApps\... HARD
g:\PortableApps\... flash
j:\PortableApps\... external hard etc,etc.

I have not done this myself for two reasons:

1. Privacy, limited users cannot get into:
C:\Documents and Settings\tclark\My Documents\PApps\...

2. More importantly, I thought that there were parts of the system root drive that were specially monitored by Windows and Parts that were not.

For example I know that Windows System Restore monitors changes to many files in:
C:\Program Files\
some AppData areas etc,

but not things stored in "My Documents".

I don't want my portable apps to be "monitored/backed up" by windows.
I want to be able to create or delete them at will, and that's it.
I know this works, no changes made in My Documents\... are added to System Restore.

I thought, and hopefully you will show me I'm wrong, that the root of "C" was monitored as well.
If this were the case I would not want to create C:\PortableApps because I do not want changes and deletions to be "archived" by System Restore. Or if I were to temporarily create this on a guest machine [yes, I think I would need Admin privs for this] to able to delete it and go.

Any feed back on this.
Remember I am not asking how Portable Apps will be effected by being in the root of a hard drive. I am asking how Windows will be effected by the Portable Apps Directory being put in the root [of C:] in terms of changes and deletions being monitored by Windows.

Thanks in advance and forgive me if I missed something stupid.
