Name: SMPlayer
Category: Audio & Video
Description: SMPlayer intends to be a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more.
Download SMPlayer Portable 0.6.1 Development Test 3 [10.8 MB Download/15.9 MB Installed]
Download the (Fortunately) Unofficial and somewhat Pathetic PortableApps Theme for SMPlayer [49 KB Download/52 KB Installed]
Download SMPlayer Portable Codecs Plugin [700 KB Download/20 MB Installed?]
Release Notes:
Development Test 3: Fixed code from crashing, updated installer to 0.10.1
- Vote: How should the codecs be distributed?
Development Test 2: Made Theme and made it default.
Development Test 1: Updated to 0.6.1. See here for changelog.
Added Plugin Installer, needs plenty of work.
Development Test 3: Fixed DefaultData bug.
Development Test 2: Fixed things, I don't remember what.
0.6 Final: Development Test 1:Updated to 0.6 final
RC4 Development Test 1:Finally Fixed Temp Files for Good
RC3 Development Test 3: Fixed User Files
RC3 Development Test 2: Fixed Temp Files
RC3 Development Test 1: Initial Release
To do:
- Learn how to actually do the plugin installer.
Make better icon.Done.Make Hi-Res IconI found one, over hereMake a ThemeMade one, will post.
I posted a poll to keep track (It's so much neater than a reply) found here
If this is a new version of SMPlayer, the Dev Test version should be reset to 1
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Sure, but, the launcher is upgraded as well....
*Edit*Turns out they didn't, I wasn't looking right
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the ejection doesn't work. Anyone know how to detect if a drive is in existence?
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Don't worry about doing this in the launchers. The platform will be handling this rather than having it duplicated in each app.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
still don't get how.:P
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somebody know how to make a nice theme for it? Maybe a portableapps theme?
That would be pretty :).
(BTW, nobody tested it yet :()
*Edit:* I think I'll try to make one out of coolplayer+'s theme.
*Edit2:* CoolPlayer+ is more simplistic than SMPlayer. Somebody?
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You need to remove the Windows essential pack download from the installer. It's an optional thing that people can add if they want to (we'll just link to it from the SMPlayer page). Popping up a commandline window and downloading a bunch of closed source stuff from a hard coded URL without user permission isn't very user friendly.
Perhaps we can do a separate plugin installer for it and explain better what it is.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I understand the essential pack download part. I have no clue about plugin installers, actually, I was thinking about adding a check box. But I stink at GUIs. :P.
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I mean like the individual installers for add-ons like the MP3 plugin. There are a few things that we can custom add to it so it gets the install size right, etc. But, since its primary purpose will be to download closed source software, we won't be hosting it at SF (seems disingenuous).
Ditch it entirely from the standard install so we can classify it as 100% open source and I'll help you with the add-on installer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
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When double-clicking on the installer, I receive the following error:
"The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete. This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or a virus."
I'll try to fix it asap.
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SMPlayer 0.6 rc3 is out
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I just thought I would ask if I am the only one getting an error that the site cannot be located trying to download RC3?
Kent Coley
I get the issue too....his LinCity link was dead for a while too.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
A folder called ".smplayer" is created at "Documents and Settings\[UserName]". Inside this folder is the settings ini file, smplayer.ini, and where the screenshots are stored.
Another folder called "all" is created at "Documents and Settings". This folder is empty.
I'll fix it asap
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Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
When launching SMPlayer Portbale, I receive an error that "Smplayer_portable.exe couldn't be found". This can be fixed by renaming "smplayer.exe" to "Smplayer_portable.exe".
.smplayer folder is still created in the "Documents and Settings\[UserName]" folder. It still contains the smplayer.ini settings file as well as the screenshots folder. The screenshots folder is created there due to the default settings of SMPlayer. I've tried changing the default directory for the screenshots folder and it is defaulted when you exit SMPlayer.
flawed logic. Repost ASAP
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It isn't saving the settings portably. It saves them in the users/user/.smplayer folder
Okay, just one Q:
If you do Ctrl+R, then type %USERPROFILE%, do you get brought to your user profile?
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Then I don't know what's going on.
Users/user means your user profile folder, right?
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Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
It's still saving the settings in C:\Users\"username"\.smplayer\smplayer.ini
Did you remember to delete the .smplayer before testing???
What else is in there???
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Yes, I deleted it
There's the smplayer.ini and the screenshots folder
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RC4 is out! ^^
Lachen ist gesund!!
Hey, any luck with the "smplayer.ini saving in users\"username"\.smplayer\" problem?
Hope you don't give up on this great app

actually, I just finished fixing it (thanks to Rab040ma who pointed out that using the Env Var's directly in the launcher put the current system's env vars, rather than constantly change it, AND showing the $PROFILE variable.)
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Not Found
The requested URL /digitxp/PortableApps/SMPlayerPortable_0.6rc4_Development_Test_1-en-us.paf.exe was not found on this server.
He likes to break his links
Patrick Patience, the person hosting him, always goes thru his posts and fixes
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I can't believe this: The link worked fine previously, all I changed the the dev test # and the vers.
@Patrick: Is there a feature in XTPlorer to show the full path of a file???
*Edit:* Oh I see, I forgot to upload it. I was in a big rush.
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Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
yet? And one question, while the website says it is a front end for MPlayer, does that mean that I will have two programs installed, or is it like a complete fork for the MPlayer?
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
I forgot to rename to dev test 1.
Fix it now.
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Anyone know when 0.6 final is due? When it is and packaged, I think we should do a pre-release and push this out.
Do we think this should replace MPlayer?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Don't know, and Yes, i think it should replace MPlayer
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I ditto that.
Yes, it should definitely replace MPlayer...
says he'll post it on Monday, the 12th.
That's quick.
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OK, have been testing it and found that for the settings to be saved they have to be in the SMPlayerPortable\App\smplayer\smplayer.ini instead of the SMPlayerPortable\Data\settings\SMPlayerPortableSettings.ini (which doesn't work)
What do you mean???
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nevermind my previous post, i was in another computer, don't know why it didn't work...
it's working fine now...
I added a plugin installer for people to test and tweak. It's probably not gonna work but I posted it so people can give me ideas. Link up top.
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Ah, I thought you just put up a decoy link... DigitXP, master of the links
"It's probably not gonna work but I posted it so people can give me ideas"
Well, one idea is to upload the file, check link and then add link to the post
I thought I did!!!
Patrick!!! Please tell me XTPlorer supports link making like MediaFire!!! Wahh!!!
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Wahh wahh wahh wahh stop! : ) It's really not that hard to figure out a link without having software do it for you. You really should be using FTP anyways.
Since I had to switch to my backup drive because my other drive's controller broke FFP is so slow and my dad won't let me install a thing onto the computer. FileZilla is far to complicated in settings for me.
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yeah, feels more of a hassle to use than not. I've got the firefox fireftp plugin and it works great for me. I've got 4 accounts on it, and it opens in notepad++ when I want to edit the text, I like it.
But filezilla is still updated and installed on my usb, so I'll get to it again someday.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
It's monday the 12th now. SMPlayer 0.6 final has been released, but only in source code format. Now if only somebody would be nice enough to either a)release a portable c++ compiler, or b)compile it on their system.
SMPlayer 0.6 final is here
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SMPlayer 0.6 final is out for windows
I'll do it when I get back from the field trip to the ice cream shop.
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(especially the ice cream ;))
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I got back.
I used math to get a soda with my ice cream :D.
And we got to play outside for an hour instead of going back to school. Then when we got back, we played games
I'll just get started repackaging smplayer.
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the crayons in the right place on the cubby shelf next time.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
0.6 final is out!
The dev over at SmPlayer said that he/she is taking a break after it was released, so don't expect a new version for a while.
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I just made some improvements.
@Joh: What's ${SectionMain}? I keep getting the error:
As we all do.
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You've been here long enough to know to search first
This has been discussed about a dozen times. I think you were even involved in one of those discussions.
Once again... there is a bug in NSIS which causes a one minute pause during installation unless we place that call out of order resulting in that one single warning. It can be ignored (it's defined later in the script).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I didn't know that before.
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It's not saving the settings...
I'm not going to be able to do the PC much this week, so can you email me the details at (mynick)c @ .
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Well there's not much to detail here, it just resets to the default settings everytime you reopen it...
Same thing happened to me. To fix this you need to create smplayer.ini in the same directory as smplayer.exe. I've tried moving it to the Settings folder, but it ignored the file.
Yeah, i tried that and it does save the settings for the next time you open it, but if you reopen it again it resets them again to the default...
I forgot to check if something was in $SETTINGSDIRECTORY
Will be fixed tommorow.
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I fixed the DefaultData problem.
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Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but I get an integrity error when I try to install Dev test 3.
I just tried to install development test 3 and I also got an integrity check error
I'm getting the same error when I try to install. I've tried to redownload several times.
same thing here...
same NSIS integrity check error
It was probably the web client's fault.
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Eff Tee Pee.
i get's like phonetically spelling
I know you keep pushing the FTP, but I seriously have had NO issues using the upload interface lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
My problem is digitxp keeps complaining about the web-based interface. All my links are broken because of the file manager! Patrick, make the file manager automaticially give me a link! The file's corrupted because the file manager! That's why I'm pushing the FTP for him.
That makes sense. I don't see how the file manager could cause such major problems, and only for him
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I installed FileZilla, maybe it was my internet connection. I have no idea what it does.
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it probably might me the ftp and http plans are different, but that makes no sense.
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Well hate to say it but the problem is pretty much the same (no settings saved/resets to default settings every time) but now it doesn't even save anything to the data folder...
got updated to 0.6.1
updating now.
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@John: You said here about a pre-release and SMPlayer replacing MPlayer. It's been a while, just wanted to remind...
@Patrick: I tested my link, I'm happy it's working :P.
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well maybe it can be a pre-release once it works...
i tried running it from my desktop and the splash screen shows but SMPlayerPortable.exe continuously eats up 50% of my dual core and doesn't stop; i have to kill it (i'm guessing it's getting stuck in a loop or something). i'll try it on my laptop later but that is my experience so far
It works for me on an XP machine.
digitxp, some notes.
*remove the run checkbox from the installer
*there's a thumbs.db in App\AppInfo
*in appinfo.ini, change the category to Music & Video
*in appinfo.ini, add a space after the DisplayVersion line
*make App\Readme.txt generic (for *the app* to function)
*add the version number in the h1 and title of the help file
*fix the formatting of the paragraph in the help file
*remove the caps from the tagline
*remove the logo from the help file
*tag line doesn't really make sense. It's your music and move player to go
*the line about codecs isn't very informative on what to do with them
*missing AppSource.txt in Other\Source
*remove the version number from the first line of Other\Source\Readme.txt
*appears the exe name in the SMPlayerPortable.ini example in the readme is incorrect
*change the legalcopyright in the source to & Contributors
*there's a fade on the splash of 100
*nothing ever winds up in my data directory
*don't copy the default data directly to the program directory, copy it to the settings directory, and then the program directory, it works better in the long run
I'll catch the rest once you get those and Travis' issue worked out.
Patrick, Long List There Huh?
@ digitxp
Do you need help with this?
Na na na, come on!
ok, well it works on my laptop. i have no idea why it doesn't work on my desktop
same thing here...
for me. It uses about 30-50% of my cpu, but isn't that because it is the only other program I'm running besides ffp?
It does use 25mb of memory, is that a problem? I didn't think it was.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.