I just uploaded Portable Dev-Cpp to PortaSoft
Please download it!
I don't know if it uploaded correctly to PortaSoft so it may not be on there, but I'm trying. Its just that school's computers SUCK!
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I havent allowed the front page news on PortaSoft as the file has not uploaded, you will need to try again, what was the filename?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
I had the impression that Dev-C++ is already portable and you only need to start it with the switch "-c ." - so what are your modifications other than UPXing (sweep upx --best *) it?
Cya Ryushi
Well, your right, it works the exact same way, it actually uses the -c switch in order to run. I didn't realize it had that at first, but then I discovered that and I use that currently in my portable app. But wxDev-Cpp crashes when you try this so I have to use the launcher to copy the settings file to the APPDATA directory and then back to the removable drive in order to save the settings changed by the user during the session.
Is there anyway to delete the directory after Dev-Cpp is closed and the data saved? It dosen't bother me on my own machine, but I don't want any public terminal admins getting too suspicious.
My Portable Dev-Cpp makes no folders or files save to the local HD. It all saves on your thumb drive. I wouldn't worry too much about the folder because if you use Portable Firefox on that computer then you already have a folder containing Firefox info on the local HD. If you want i can compile you one that deletes that folder after you are done (this would be if you wanted wxDev-Cpp, otherwise there is no folder created on Portable Dev-Cpp)
check it out at portasoft.org
I think what he's talking about is the deletion of the following folder after execution:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Dev-Cpp
Oh, and I've tried it out and it worked very nicely with compiling LuaLauncher.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
Yes, that's it. I was posting from my phone, so I was only just now able to confirm, and it leaves a folder at shutdown, though no data. BTW, Rob, 'he''s a 'she'. Anyway, I cobbled together a batch file and it works adequately enough, I just like shiney launchers better. I'm a novice in any prog language, otherwise i would fix it myself and post (the code).
I am almost ready to release version of my Portable Dev-Cpp. It adds temporary file association, if you set AssociateFiles=true in the ini of course, to .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp, .rc, .template, .dev, .devpak, and .devpackage files. This will change the icon, program it opens up with, and will replace it with the original settings when it is finished. I have only a couple things to test left and it will also not interfere with local dev-cpp file associations either (if you know somewhat about file association in the registry you will understand this, i hope ) The only problem with this, is that if you are not an admin then you probably can't write to the registry, prevent the file association...which there is no work-around currently available yet.
And if the he's a she thing was refering to me, then you were wrong.
It might be a good idea to put in an option in the INI to disable that feature.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Blog]
yeah, i did. any other ideas?
lol, I meant me.