i want to be able to read fragmentation percentage out of a log file created by jkdefrag from my autoit script. is this possible and how could it be done. The lines i'm interested are burried in with tons of other lines and look like this:
09:32:55 - Total size of fragmented items: 680427520 bytes, 166120 clusters, 4.8814% of all items, 4.2249% of disk
and if it would have to read line by line would this cause the app to eat up a ton of cpu?
Yes, it is possible. It would be best if you chose a language that supports regular expressions (or can use library that does).
No, it won't eat ton of CPU, hdd use will be much more important.
Just a note - you're probably going to reread the file over and over, right? If it is so, always remember the last file position you read and start the next read from this place.
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
Nope. You should be able to loop through the log file very quickly and find that line.
That should get you started.
Shouldn't the @error test for end of file immediately follow the FileReadLine instruction (and be test for -1)?
As you have it the @error is as returned by StringInStr (0 = normal operation, 1 = occurence was 0) so the loop will exit on the first line that doesn't have the required string?
Not quite. I believe the @error checks for a failed (see: crashed) attempt to read in the file, or to compare the strings. By having it at the end, it will exit the loop if the user reached the end of the file, or if the string comparison crashed. The @error won't be touched if the string is not found, but the EOF hasn't been reached yet.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Nope nope, RogerL's correct. @error is reset each time a new function is called. Thanks for catching that (I make that mistake too often cause I forget to look for it).
My understanding of the true functionality was wrong, but his logic was still incorrect. He said that the script should die on the first line that the needed string isn't located in, which is not the case. It continues to read UNTIL it finds that string, or reaches the EOF
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
He was still correct I believe. If StringInStr() doesn't find the substring, it sets the error flag. So my loop would exit after reading the first line and not finding the substring.
I wasn't sure because Travis updated his JKDefrag package to include this, and it worked correctly. The substring is somewhere around line 15 in the file, so if Roger were correct, it would never make it past line 1....unless Travis came up with his own code for it.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
To wraithdu and Zach (and Travis)
My first point was asking why wraithdu had a test for EOF after checking for the string. It is usual to test for EOF immediately after FileReadLine because it isn't logical to test the line to contain something if you haven't got a line of text (and of course to ensure you don't get stuck in a loop for ever if the string your searching for isn't there)
My next point was based on my interpretation of AutoIt's help for StringInStr. It says "@Error 0 - Normal operation, 1 - Occurrence was 0". On this basis as the first line doesn't contain the text, I assumed @error would contain 1 as there was no occurence and the loop would exit. However as I am continually surprised at the lack of detail and correctness in AutoIt's help on returned values I should have checked. I have now done so and @error contains 0 for both conditions and therefore Travis's code 'works'.
However the expression 'works' is too simplistic. One should not only code for normal conditions but should consider all the error conditions that might occur and handle them appropriately.
Because Travis opens a file he KNOWS is there, made by JkDefrag, which WILL have the string he is looking for there is a case for not bothering to cater for any EOF or any error condition. Just get lines until string is found then handle it parsing the line for the numbers he wants. I don't think that is good practice tho'. Best to getline, exit loop if any problem (telling user if appropriate),
if string found handle parsing the line BEFORE exiting the loop. That way he hasn't got any error condition with an indeterminate $line contents merging with the code parsing the 'good' line.
Hope I've made sense. I am a much better coder than English prose writer!
Are you just doing it for your own use, or do you want it to be part of a Portable App you want to distribute?
Microsoft has a free utility that is designed for parsing log files.
But you could also use the Gnu grep utility. Depending on what you are doing, grep might be faster than looping in AutoIT. You could even use other Gnu tools to parse the resulting lines to display just the percentage.
I figured out why it's not exiting. When StringInStr() fails the error flag is set to 0 (which is its default state I guess)...which basically means no error, so the loop continues. I guess for an 'If @error' condition to be true, it must be a non-zero error value.
I think this is because @error returns 0 under normal operation. Like if your only line is
then you get '0'.
I'm not sure if I like StringInStr() returning a 0 error if it fails like that...
So both our scripts work, but I'd say RogerL's is *more* correct
The docs say @error is only set (to 1), after StringInStr, if there is a syntax error.
If you ask StringInStr where in one string another occurs, it returns 0 to say "nowhere". That's not an error condition, it's simply answering your question. It's like answering a numeric question with "0" meaning "none". So you need to test the return value (for something > 0), rather than @error.
If the only way to test for EOF is with @error, I suppose that's okay, but I prefer my programming languages to reserve error trapping for real errors and signal normal conditions (like reaching the end of the file) with something like a flag.
And yes, EOF ==> @error = -1
Thanks a lot guys. This is now implemented in JkDefrag Portable Dev Test 6!
Hi Travis,
See my post to wraithdu, Zach and you above.
I have had a look at your code:
You might like to consider removing the first FileReadLine as I don't think it achieves anything, and move the code parsing the line with the fragemented items text to where the string is found as explained in my previous post
You also might like to consider the neatness of a for loop over a do loop:
The initialisation of $i should at least be right above the Do statement.
I think do loops should only be used when you have to execute the body once to determine the end condition.
oh, and just in case you didn't know
is the same as
Hope my comments are taken in the spirit they are meant. Don't want to appear overly critical or force my style of coding on anybody. Oh, and thanks for doing this JkDefrag GUI, I'm learnig AutoIt's GUI code too and your example is helping me - thanks.
thanks! i'll try to tidy up my code with those things for the next release.