Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. You can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in few seconds. Mp3splt-project is split in 3 parts : libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk.
It integrates with SnackAmp - Could this be all rolled into a portable app?
I think BookEnc Portable does that. Search it with that box up there.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
BookEnc is not on this site either afaik - I - bonkenc - found it.
OK had a play with bonkenc and I cannot see that it does what I want. Looking to split mp3 albums back into their original track files from a Freedb query. mp3splt does this vey nicely and even looks 'around' the time stamps for the track silence.
Still would like this portable.